Nurse Addons

Prerequisite information: I think the Nurse add-ons are dated. Almost all of them have a drawback. This is an issue because sometimes it's better just to use 2 common add-ons and get two benefits instead of two higher tiers and get two benefits and two debuffs. I think her addons should be changed the same way the Trappers add-ons were changed to make them generally more useful and not have so many drawbacks.
1) Slightly increase blink charge speed
2) Slightly increase blink range
3) Slightly increase chain link window
4) Slightly increase blink movement speed
1) Slightly decrease fatigue time
2) Slightly increase lunge after blinking
3) Moderately increases blink charge speed
4) Slightly increases blink accuracy
5) Moderately decreases noise made by blinking
1) Add one 1 chain blink
2) Slightly increases blink movement speed and slightly increases chain blink window
3) Moderately increases max blink distance
4) Considerably increases blink charge speed. Slightly increases blink movement speed
5) Moderatly increases lunge after blinking
[Very Rare]
1) Slightly reduces fatigue time. Adds 1 chain blink.
2) Tremendously increases max blink distance
3) Show blink landing area. Slightly increase blink movement speed.
4) Considerably increase chain blink window. Moderately increases blink movement speed.
[Ultra Rare]
1) Tremendously decreases fatigue time
2) Slightly increases the following: Blink movement speed, chain blink window, blink max distance, blink charge speed, lunge after blinking, blink accuracy
The Nurse is in a good spot currently, the last thing she needs right now is more buffs. :)
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This change would nerf torn bookmark and that's one of the best common addons in the game that's only usable by a good nurse.
Nurse dosent need these changes, even if its weird shes one of the only killers with downsides on her addons.
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You wanan buff nurse? If you can win only one game against me, we can talk about it :)
And yea, with 4 toxic Teamspeak SWF. Ill destroy the hell out of you
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nurse's addons dont need a buff
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mclean said that they are making a full rework on nurse but also billy thats what i heard about it
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NUrse is the best without addons!.
nurse is the best killer, the only one!
the other killers are turtles and trash