Rank 1 Queue Times

They are stupidly long and boring.
Why do I have to wait around 30 mins to get a match where probably one person will dc randomly?
I guess this is because no survivors are rank 1 now because of the busted ranking system. Why can't I play killer because of something I can't do anything about?
Complain about something more important, like survivors abusing the killer's autoaim. If they run at just the right angle around almost anything, even if you are charging DIRECTLY AT THEM you'll hit the nearby object instead.
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@deathsia Or, y'know, when killers rely heavily on auto aim and gets hits despite the hit being nowhere nearby. Ranking being so messed up is more important than both, though.
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I can't tell, cuz I get 4 people instantly like 10 seconds sometime, but ends up getting Green/Yellow Rank survivors.
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I don't know about most killers but I don't rely heavily on autoaim, sure its landed me a few lucky hits but that means jack squat when a survivor abuses their smaller as hell hitbox to squeeze past a corner after hearing the sound effect all killers make when they're about to attack and unless you stop your attack preemptively(which is impossible in most cases) you smack that corner.
Or when they run next to a bonfire and dart away milliseconds before your attack connects making you autoaim into the bonfire. You can call that "skill" all you want but any survivor who knows how to exploit a killer's autoaim isn't "skilled" they just know how to exploit a flawed mechanic.
Sure, some achieve this by accident, but any survivor who deliberately runs to or next to a bonfire or object and darts away even if you don't attack is obviously trying to exploit the killer's autoaim.
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@deathsia I am of the opinion that the auto-aim feature should be removed entirely. It's a bad feature, that's completely unnecessary for the killer, exploitable from survivors, like you say, and helps carry bad killers. I've seen killers do full 180's to hit someone just because auto-aim jerks their camera. But if you really have that much trouble with people exploiting your auto-aim, then learn the signs of someone who is trying to exploit it, and don't lunge. Auto-aim only works with lunge attacks.
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So part of the problem is how difficult it is for survivors to reach rank 1 versus a killer. Especially these days where there are so many ######### matches where a survivor dc's and the killer still goes 100% try hard and kills the 3 remaining survivors before they can do enough to even safety pip, let alone normal pip.