Emblem System part two

Remisee Member Posts: 133

Hey there,

I was doing past a Post of how i liked and enjoyed the new Emblem System. Dont get me wrong, i still like it, it requires just more skill to pip up so not every wannabe is on the high Ranks BUT:

I was playing today now after some Matches (7-8) as a Survivor on Rank 12.

I tried it without getting caught or even hitted. I repaired 3 Generators completely and unhooked like 2 Mates. Opened exit Gate. Killer chased me even for more than 2 and a half Minute. No pip

I tried it with aggressive runner Perks. I repaired 2 Gens, runned with 8000 max chaser Points with only 1 Time on the Hook and saved 3 Mates. No pip. We even escaped all.

i tried it with a Mix, repaired 2 Gens, destroy ed all totems, saved 2 Mates, Opened exit Gates. No pip.


Should i repair all Gens, all totems, open 2 exit gates and save all my buddys we 4 escape and dont getting hit?!

The thing is, on the category with the repairing it says i achievet 48-52% gens and only 6 % to open a exit gate. I opened the exit gate completely all by myself and i get ridiculous 6%? Even 3 Gens are ONLY 48-52%?


  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    We've been keeping an eye on the feedback for the emblem changes. We know it can be a little demanding sometimes and you might do well and still not pip. It's something we're going to be looking into as soon as we can.

    For the last bit, the percentages can be a little confusing. The number it's showing is not the percentage of the total for that thing but rather the percentage of the score contributed to your emblem. So in this case the iridescent lightbringer emblem requires a total of 270 points and powering a gate completely will give you 15 points. 15 / 270 ~= 6%. So powering one gate will get you 6% of the way to an iridescent emblem.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited April 2019

    The one thing I don't like is the actual or perceived lack of red survivors on PS4! I've had so many killers disconnect as soon as the first generator Pops, that I went from rank 1 to rank 3 and then finally hit rank 5. With that said, I'm not interested in going back to red but I'm also not interested in constantly going against rank one killers with teammates that are rank 8 9 10 and above. On the other hand, my killer for the first time is ranked 2 and that was easily achieved because most of the survivors in my games are Rank 10 or lower lol

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673
  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    Thanks for the Feedback. And sorry that i wanted to create the same Post on Tuesday because this Post didn't showed up. Im not trying to do any Spamm.

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    Yes thats true. And its takes long to find even a Match.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    The worst thing is the evader emblem as survivor. If you play evasive youre screwed up and wouldnt pip. Even though if you do let yourself getting chased, depending on how the chase is defined you probbybly dont get past silver, which isnt enough. emblems are exklduing each other. As long there wont be any changes the whole system is useless. And this wont be fixed by just changing the pipping thresholds.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    The biggest problem with the emblem system on the killer side is that it punishes you for winning too fast.

    You completly destroyed the enemies? They didnt get a singel gen done and were all downed in 2 min or less? That means no pip for you on red ranks. You mostly end up on 11 of the 13 needed points sometimes 12.

    You get punished for playing too good or for the survivors beeing too bad this should never happen. Letting them live longer on purpose shouldnt be required.

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    I mostly become iridescent. it depends on running away AND escaping the Killer + beeing sneaky.

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    The new Update they bringed out is just nice.