Your bad game experience

There are bad games and really bad games. But I'm almost proud of how badly I did on this one. I topped the survivor table and accrued an impressively embarrassing 25 points giving the Killer a depip in the process:
Anyone else had anything this bad?
That is shockingly low, I've only been to 500 and that was my lowest. 25 is mental, so low...
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What happened???? That's crazy!
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I had a guy who spawned on my totem, knew where all the pallets were and then proceeded to loop me round a fallen tree vault then when I finally got him he mocked me for my end points, he got in my lobby again and started tbagging at pallets so I camped him and ended it with 4k, game after that I camped him again and after those three games he ended up deranking and that was just the cleanest best pleasure.
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Everytime my Devour Hope gets cleansed at 5 Tokens. 😰
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this one time I loaded in and heard a nurse blink 5 times in a row, then suddenly my internet disconnected????
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller Oh wow, never seen a score like that before! i think a bad game i had was my team mates gen rushing while i am on a hook....4 gens done and i am about to die on the hook and then one decides to try and rescue me....too late! my whole game was me hanging like a newly caught fish -.-
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When I don't 4k as billy in the first 10 seconds because all the survivors didn't spawn together for once
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For me, my Dead Hard never kicks in, it'll say it activated as I'm down on the ground, maybe it was my sensitivity.