The Devs buffing Survivors more and more and it sucks

topic says all, and what about killers ?, a new survivor with perks like MoM, a big map, now pip changes (ez rank 1 again ), DS buff, killernerfes more and more and then wonder why ppl stop to playing killer more and more.
Yes nerf killers to the ground and buff survivors more
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i dont know if this post its bait or youre for real
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How would an "easy rank 1" be a nerf to killers? If anything that would mean rank 1 killers get to play against survivors who shouldn't be at rank 1
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Some people will never understand how the game is balanced.
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relax, it feels like that sometimes but the thing about killer is that a lot of it is in your head. I swear up and down it’s killer paranoia syndrome. Because if you take a break and come back, you stomp everyone. When you get stressed, unless you’ve conditioned yourself to work under pressure, you’re going to make a lot of mistakes, and if you record the match and look back on it you’ll see so many openings and missed opportunities.
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I am of the opinion both sides are getting equally treated at the moment. But I guess that's just me.
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This guy is either memeing or he hasn't played the game for very long. Killers got huge buffs this past year making old killers playable again (wraith, trapper). DC actually got nerfed, and survivors as a whole kinda got nerfed.
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the Killers get big buffs in 2.0.0 - 2.2.0 then less but still. I think devs are doing good buffing killers but they ignore the biggest problem: GEN RUSHING.
And I don't say surv chaanges are bad. Only bad change was medium vault (not that old 0.9 seconds from 1.7.0 or something - the new one from 2.5.0 because hitboxes suckzz) and the Pallet Jungle Gyms/Heavens are back