Your Killer's Level (Know how good you are) !

TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

This is a points checklist for Killer players that want to gauge how good exactly of a Killer they are. The points in this list are to be taken with the following consideration :

1- It will only work if you play to improve yourself as a Killer player.

2- It does not work for Nurse. Insane Nurse skills can let you bypass almost all theses things.

3- It does not go into Killer specifics.

4- The absolute best way to emulate this is to play Hillbilly without using his chainsaw. Not anyone else.

5-They are classed by difficulty to do, not by points. More points = more rewards if you master it.

(This is not a guide or anything, I do not show you how to do any of theses things, but if you have any questions, points to argue or anything really, feel free to write a comment. Also Note, this list may be subject to changes.)



Everytime you know you do pass the requirements, just add the points to your score. At the end there is a point meter to know where you are located on the Killer's Power Level list.




- Use Headphones. (+15)

- Recognize Bloodstains under lockers. ( +5)

- Do not respect or fear any pallets. (+15)

- Understanding the survivor's scratchmark mechanic. (+5)

- Tracking gen progression. (+5)

- 7 gen patrol takes you less than 40 seconds, including out of positions gens. (+5)

- Keep track of numbers of hooks each survivor has. (+5)

- Learn on how to counter flashlights without perks. (+10)

- Mastery on how to counter 360's. Tip : short lunge. (+10)




- Reach Rank 1 and being able to maintain this position for as long as you'd like. (+20)

- 7 gen patrol takes you less than 30 seconds, including out of positions gens. (+10)

- Develop an innate Crow from the Shadows, aka crows give you hints. (+10)

- Learning how to use Whispers. (+20)

- Knowing which pallets are safe and unsafe and which ones to destroy and which one you can leave be. (+15)

- Using Bloodlust transfer. (+15)

- Knowing when to commit to a loop or not. (+20)

- Knowing to bodyblock in a corner for a free hit/ window vaults and pallet prompts while in chase. (+15)

- Complete mastery over the Killer's lunge. (+20)

- Know how to bait a flashlight save. (+10)

- Complete comprehension on how and when to use the Killer's  height, terror radius, red stain, terrain and line of sight to mindgame( + abilities if applicable) and which Killers can do mindgames on certain parts of the map. (+50)

- Pushing survivors into dead end while in chase. (+15)

- Learn how to properly loop as a killer. Aka hug the walls. (+15)

- Watching out for exhaustion perks (Dead Hard, Sprint Burst etc...) BEFORE they happen. (+20)

- Understand what causes ALL sound subtilities. (+15)

- Understanding map juke layouts only. Example : T-walls. (+15)

- Using Scratchmarks to locate the DIRECTION the survivor went. Hint : Intensity (+15)

- Identifying when you are on the way to lose the trial. (+10)

- Identifying which perks are in play against you as soon as they show. (+15)




- 7 gen patrol takes you less than 20 seconds, including out of positions gens. (+15)

- Knowing which side to destroy the pallets from if you have to. (+25)

- Using Co-op actions against survivors themselves. (+40)

- Complete mastery over the Killer's basic non-lunge hit. (+20)

- Develop an innate Whispers. (+45)

- Comprehension of survivor's spawn points (even if offerings are used.) (+20)

- Comprehension of the Hatch's spawn points. (+15)

- If looped, knowing which direction you should get the loop going. (+30)

- Understanding EXACTLY when to use any of theses tactics :Tunneling/Camping/Slugging/3-gens. (+40)

- Identifying survivor individual player patterns while in game. (+30)

- Coordinated survivor groups are the only real challenge you get. SWF or not. (+40)

- Knowing the map enough to cut survivors throught shortcuts. Good examples: Crotruss Asylum, Grim Pantry and The Game, all second floor shortcuts. (+40)

- Know when to hit to survivors in order to lower the sprint boost efficiency. (Windows, Vaults, Bump into object) (+20)

- Mastery on chasing a survivor while looking around at the same time. (+30)

- You think like the survivor team you are facing, having a mental map of their actions. (+50)




- Try to grab people when a generator/gate is almost done but they do not leave. (+10)

- When a survivor is much more experienced than you are, you are not afraid to throw the game away to learn from them. (+20)

- Sometimes your best option as a killer is to wait or not move. Knowing when can be key as survivors expect you toalways move. (+20)

- You play survivor and apply your Killer knowledge, no matter your level. (+50)

- NOT relying/using ANY 1-hit down in main build except for the Killer's original ability unchanged (+25)

- NOT using Hex : Ruin in main build. (+5)

- Very rarely reaches Bloodlust 2 (+5)

- Very rarely reaches Bloodlust 1 (+15)




0 : Survivor Main


1 - 99 : Dark Child of The Entity : You have been chosen to represent Killers by the God of the Fog. Will you choose to continue down this sinister path and join your brethrens along the road or will you be intimitaded by this harsh world and be sent to the void ? Only you can know.


100 - 199 : The Power Hungry Beast : The question is not how did you survived your first trials, but how much more power you want ! You have a great grasp over your role's basics. You are starting to realize what can make you stronger. What can make you better. What can make you hungry.


200 - 469 : The Growing Evil : You look back at your beginning days and realize you've come a long way. You have a lot of experience, but you know you need more. It looks like this may be your road after all. You gather strong tools and knowledge to help you when the time calls for it. You begin to seize opportunities when they arise and know when to punish foolish actions around you. You also have been shown the errors of your ways by the Entity. But remember, you are on a quest for a forbidden dark power, no one wants you to want it, in fear of what you may become... Will you continue the great hunt for it and push aside everything else ?


470 - 665 : The Corrupted Veteran : Until now, you have seen many things. You have lived throught many things. You have learnt many things. You know better than most and look towards new Dark Childs and others to show them the way. This is the point where many of your brethrens show the blood on their hands and gather to stay. You know what to do in order to gain power and push throught, but a dark voice is floating around the camp and only you can hear it...Is it the Entity? Or is it your own Evil? Only you can recognize it, but beware, it will attempt to take control of you . This will be your only one on one fight, and can go on for a long time...


666 - 799 : Dominant Calamity : Not only have you conquered your inner self, but The Entity itself is starting to lose control over you. It starts to admire you. It starts to question you. It starts to fear you. It wants you under It's control to dominate the realm and will send the worst your way but you destroy it. You learn your last bits of knowledge you have never tought of before and learn how to gauge your power in certains situations... or not, since sometimes you like destroy absoutely everything on your way. You rule by fear. No matter what you do and where you go, a wave of carnage surrounds you.


800 - 999 : Living Catastrophe : Few people would like to cross paths with you. Even fewer will even think of making it out of your trial alive, since you instill much more than fear ; you are the living personification of hopelessness. Your brethrens look at you as a perfect example of what you can accomplish. Your power is wanted and seeked by many. The Entity no longer affects you directly, but is still present somewhere, you are the master of your own world, of your own mind, of your own body. You can show mercy out of pity, or bring down total annihilation, but no matter what, you WILL be remembered.


1000 + : ??? : Many people will question if they crossed someone who they should not even have met. You go against all odds and can't really say anything in terms of helping your fellow brethrens, they might doubt you. You are too strong, you have a total control over anything that happens in your trial at any given time. You have strategies that only exists in your head and are hidden from plain view. Your power grew to immeasurable levels. It could be said that you have your own realm at this point. Legends among the realms say that you became a new human Entity. This spot has no title, since the wearers of this title choose how they want to be addresed. If you were to reach this spot, what would you choose to be called ?


  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2019

    Also note it's not the absolute best way to gauge your Killer's skill level but I just wanted to do it 😅 + You can complete points from any category. You can meet the requirement for an advanced one but not a intermediate one.

    All of theses are taken from personal experience and guides around the web.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Ok, this is gonna take a while, and my main is currently recovering from my second prestige

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83

    It's alright there's no rush. Take your time and I'll be here anyways to update this list/answer questions and stuff

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Basic- 70

    Intermediate- 200

    Advanced- 170


    I got corrupt veteran although I don’t think I’m that good and I’m actually s survivor main.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I will also need a timer to understand how long it takes for me to patrol all 7 gens, I have no idea how long I take

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I skipped that part because it varies depending on map, me, what killer am I? Etc.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154



    Apparently I'm a Living Catastrophe...yey :D

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83

    Just count in yout head, take in mind you do not need to actually see the gen in question depending on the map nor do you need to be close to it to know if it has been worked on or is being worked on.

    Also no it does not depends on map. You can play a only 110% killer speed and do a full gen rotation in 20seconds on Shelter Woods or other maps like that.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Oh ok, I would probably still be in the same category

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Right now I'm at lower ranks because I have no good perks/add-ons, I'm also trying out new killers like Nurse or Spirit and I'm not as much of a try-hard as I was 😂

    I play more casually now but if I wanted I could get to red ranks, but who cares? And rank reset is around the corner. And I've been playing a lot more survivor over killer in the past month.

    After all these excuses, I'm rank 8/7 right now. My main is Wraith

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited April 2019

    As a Nurse main, I still got 255. WHat does this say about me?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited April 2019

    Basic: 65

    Intermediate: 235

    Advanced: 385

    Bonus: 150

    I got Living Catastrophe, yay.

    My realm will be a full indoor temple map.

  • Didiez
    Didiez Member Posts: 51

    Got the Dominant Calamity, even knowing that I play more survivor than killer.

    For me, that was a really good result

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83

    Well to be honest I dont know where Nurse should be on this list given any point was made without having her interfering lol. She would have a separate list entirely on her own, and I dont think I'm qualified enough as a Nurse to make that list myself. I dont really play her that much.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Wow. You put some serious thought into this. Impressive.

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83

    Oh woops sorry I didnt mean your in-game rank my bad 😂 Was talking about killer's level rank since you said you got Living Catastrophe it was nice to share and know. + Dont worry just you saying that once you reached r1 you play for fun is a pretty good proof that you indeed reached r1. Many r1 killers do that.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    This is pretty cool. Nice job.

    Basic: 70

    Intermediate: 265

    Advanced: 190

    Bonus: 115

    Total: 640 (Corrupted Veteran, Doctor main)

    What if we don't do some of these things all the time? Would we still count them or not?

    Also, I have some questions about some of these things.

    I've never heard of Bloodlust transfer. Does that involve knowing when exactly you're going to enter Bloodlust 1 and using that to your advantage?

    How the hell do you develop an innate Whispers? How do you immediately figure out that there's a Survivor nearby without any other hints?

    How do you master the Killer's lunge and basic attack?

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2019

    Had a duplicated comment below sorry lol

    Post edited by TheBretzel on
  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2019

    @SnakeSound222 Thanks I appreciate it ;)

    As for your questions ;

    The hard part of playing Killer is applying all theses at the same time, doing so shows complete mastery over the Killer role. Little by little you grow and eventually you manage to do more things, unconsciously, and you become a better killer. If you though of them and managed to apply them successfully, then you can count them yes.

    1- Yes but not entirely. The real deal about Bloodlust transfer is to follow a survivor until Bloodlust builds up (I or II) and then either switch to a different target to keep bloodlust going longer or manage to catch up to a survivor that is hard to hit once, for a free hit. Being looped and having another survivor around doing whatever they do is a good way to do this tactic, once bloodlust builds up you switch targets to him. Or in the event you find someone out in the blue too. It's about using the weaker chains of the survivors to reach the stronger chains.

    2- This is a difficult question to answer, how to devellop an innate Whispers, but just know that you need to have a lot of pre-requisites in order to develop this. It goes hand-in-hand with having a mental map of where survivors might be and also map knowledge. I'll give you some tips on how to practice it, but also know that it is one the last skills, if not the last, that you'll fully develop as a killer, hence why it's worth a lot of points.

    Tips at game start : Know the survivor's spawn patterns first, also if you spawn on top of a hill or you have a clear view of a part of the map, look in the far-away to see if you see any survivor DURING the animation camera at start and also look for any movement (crows flying, random spots moving, most likely survivor's hair, grass moving). If that doesnt work, patrol gens, intentionnaly regressing them just to see if there's someone nerby when you come back in 20sec max (7-gen patrol), backtrack your patrol route and once you found where they are, make them come out. Tip : Use normal Whispers and ditch it to see if you can apply the same. This ends the visual clues for the game start, with just that you will find the first survivor in a matter of seconds when the game starts no matter what the survivors do. Tip 2: Survivors quite often spawn together, when you find one, he's most likely not alone, unless you spawned in the pure center of the map. One thing Whispers does that does not help you is, when a game starts, you can find someone in a dead end where there is no gen nor totem, and it might be an error to go investigate, it's better if you go look for people at gens instead. Your innate Whispers will instinctively go for the better choice if you train it.

    Tips at middle game : This is when your innate Whispers truly shines and you see the potential once you start to acquire a mental map of the survivor's actions. Always look, if you can at the direction the unhooker came from, it might hint at a gen being done that way, if you cannot look, calculate the time it took for them to rescue the hooked person and imagine a survivor running straight to it, you get a distance. That distance might be what separated his gen to the hook, so you can guess what gen he was working on. Identifying player patterns like how they play and their skill level, identifying SWFs, watching out for subtle sounds and having a solid map knowledge are all things that, when you know which gens are being done, then you know where they are the most likely to be, and where they are most likely NOT to be too. This is where the pattern of your innate Whispers overshadows normal Whispers, since you're probably going to be into the middle of survivors, normal Whispers would just light up. TIP : You can force survivors to go at certain places depending on your actions or inactions during the trial, hovering with your terror radius around the same places will generally make the survivors go for the gens outside of it. After some time, you can go check thoses gens see if they have been touched since your goal was to attract them over that gen, why? Maybe it was a part of the map that you chased someone and almost all pallets were broken, so easy downs if they gather there,

    Tips for the last survivor : This is all about the info you gathered on the last survivor during the game and evaluating what they could go for for an escape + a lot of guessing, normal Whispers is better only at this stage than your innate Whispers will ever be. Tip 1: If the last generator is almost done, DO NOT regress it, and DO NOT hover your terror radius around it, let the survivor light it up to give away his position, try to look for the hatch while having a look at the gen from far away, Tip 2: If you know the general location of the last survivor and you can get there in 10 seconds tops, apply normal Whispers triangulation strategy by imagining where the survivor might be. Tip 3: You can fake you found the hatch and camp it in a place just to make the survivor show up.

    All in all it comes down to a lot of pre-requisites and goes hand-in-hand with having a mental map of their actions. I dont know if I answered properly your questions, but you'll know when you start to develop a habit of finding them after guessing what their best OR fastest places to hide might be and going there. Last Tip is to not naviguate around the map like if you chase someone while you are looking for people. I may have forgotten something but well, It can have a thread of it's own to be honest lol. Dont know if I answered your question, but hopefully I clarified it even by a little. Ask away anyways.

    3- Mastering the Killer's lunge is all about hitting the survivor with the tip of your weapon and also using it for theses 5 uses : Hitting a survivor during a loop using the speed boost to loop faster, Crossing gaps in the map (Badham Preschool basement hole/Red Forest balcony/Coal Tower when you drop from upstairs and there's machinery at the bottom you can drop onto to cut the loop by about 2-3 seconds), reaching a place to bodyblock a survivor when you know you would not have hit him (very rare), passing by bodyblocking survivors if you're trying to reach someone else and finally the lunge mindgame at the pallet when the survivor cannot see you and you come out in his vision already at the end of the lunge.

    Short basic attack excells at making pallets drops, interupting animations and are impossible to react to since they are almost instant. If you long-lunge at a survivor waiting at a pallet in the open, he will have time to react and probably back up to bait the lunge, but if you walk closer to him and basic hit, he will obligated to drop the pallet and you might get a hit. Also watch out for when there's a locker nearby, you can grab them instead.

    Post edited by TheBretzel on
  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    I got 360 - The growing evil, pretty accurate to be honest... I've only got approx. 70-100h as killer (mostly play as a break from survivor) but have at least above 500+ sacrifices (got the trophy quite a while ago) That 7 gen thing is kinda selective though depending on your killer...It's funny reading these forums sometimes, so much more to learn.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    NOT using Hex : Ruin in main build. (+5)

    LOL! Enjoy your gen rushes then!

    Unless you have the ability to apply map wide pressure effectively they are gonna pop 1 or more gens during a single chase without ruin.

    For killers like Freddy and a few others Hex: Ruin is a REQUIREMENT not an optional perk if you want to have a remote chance of hooking a single survivor before 2 or more gens are done!

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited April 2019


    I was basing that off of my Hag and Spirit.

    Not using Ruin or instadowns helped.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I refuse to use Ruin, it's not necessary.

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2019

    If you say so lol. Altough many good Killer who main thoses killer would disagree with you.

    +10, the better you get, the less value ruin has

    Thanks a lot I appreciate it ^^