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Fixing the time for matchmaking

With the release of the dedicated servers coming this summer matchmaking should be easier to use. but there are some people who will try to dodge other players by leaving the lobby when they see them as killer or if the survivor has that stupid app MLGA. A way to fix this would be to not allow players to leave the lobby once joining with a exception of maybe 3 leaves a day if they are wanting to play survive with friends and join solo by mistake. This would speed up match making and prevent player dodging killers and survivor that use MLGA. Will also stop stream sniping. Thank you for this great game.


  • Pennywise2000
    Pennywise2000 Member Posts: 27

    also will prevent survive with friends dodges.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    How would it stop stream sniping? And why only a limit on the number of lobby dodges (3 per day?) for survs only and not killers. Not that I approve of a lobby dodge cap for either. People dodge lobbies because of bad/unstable ping, broken lobbies, seeing other survs they don't want to play with/against, and that should be their choice.

    I don't think as many people use MLGA now as they used to, and even if they do, so what? the more people they block/dodge the less people they have to play with and the longer queue times are for them. Seems like they're shooting themselves in their own foot more than anything.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,552

    Dedicated Server's will dramatically reduce queue times due to people not leaving half their matches due to randomly being matched with killer's across the globe. Hopefully lobbies wont break as well anymore at that point.

  • Pennywise2000
    Pennywise2000 Member Posts: 27

    I agree and disagreed withyou puppy. The thing about dedicated servers is that the ping won't matter if the killer has unstable connection he/she will be the one with the disadvantage. All the other stuff i strongly agree with you. Also thanks mat for the coment thatbis also true. Either if you guys know anything about if they still plan to use the killers from the halloween event?

  • Pennywise2000
    Pennywise2000 Member Posts: 27

    Sorry using my cracked phone instead of pc that is* either of you guys* killer not killers

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited April 2019

    Dedicated Servers will kill MLGA.... MLGA snifs your network traffic and pulls out the IPs.. Dedicated servers remove that ability. They'll only see the server they are connected too.

    The only way people will be able to block others will be through steam. As long as everyone can see the names and view the profiles of players in the initial lobby, people will be able to dodge based on that.

    Or they will need to use their own personal list stored on their computer.

    If they remove the stream profile lookup in the lobby for both survivor and killer.. that fixes that.

  • Pennywise2000
    Pennywise2000 Member Posts: 27

    Ah ok thank you bean that was the main thing i thought was annoying they use it to block good nurses and legions. They are part of the and people should deal with it.

  • Pennywise2000
    Pennywise2000 Member Posts: 27

    Part of the game sorry*