Double pallets

So, it's been ages since I've seen double pallets like this. Is this just a very rare RNG or are they actually back?
I believe it’s a very rare rng because I’ve seen it once and only once I’m rotten fields so no I don’t believe they are back
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They're back, not all the time, but back. It's bad for killers but what do I care, I main Spirit and Hag. 😂😂😂
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it was added with the plague update
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Sad thing is that I could be greedy with the pallets without getting hit which increased the amount of loops I could make a lot, because the distance is so short. Felt nice to see it again though, but I'm glad it's not a standard thing.
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it’s not balanced and should be fixed
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Same here ^ (i have deja vu)
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Doesn't it actually feel really nice to see it again after such a long time? :P That's what I felt atleast, it's a bit of nostalgy maybe.
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So glad I learned Nurse before this patch. Never need to worry about pallets :D
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rare rng
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Doesn't Pallet placement do that if it can't find any other spot?
Or was that just near the main building?
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Had a double pallet spawn on the sides of one of the autohaven maps. Will edit when I remember the variant of the map.
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There were places with no pallets where one usually spawns, so instead of having double pallets at 1 loop one could have been placed there. Thought they set a certain distance for pallets to spawn to avoid this situation, but apparently it had changed with the Plague update? :?