Question about 2 killer exploit
So 4 days ago, I joined a lobby als a solo survivor I clicked ready and I saw 1 other person readying after that, and in out of nowhere I was sent in the game. I saw a Jigsaw box and heard a trap closing. Then i realise it was a bug with more killers. I didnt know what to do dc or just play the game. I just played the game recording and send it to the dead by daylight bug help center.
This bug only happened me 1 time when I didnt know it existed. Do I get a ban for it or only people who have done it more then 10 times for example? Or is this only bannable for the killers side?
Sorry for my bad English.
Don't think it's bannable if you aren't doing the glitch yourself, at least shouldn't be. If you want to be safe you can spot a bugged 2 killer lobby and leave the lobby. If there is a timer with 00:00 even when there aren't 4 survivors joined yet you it means it's a multiple killer lobby.
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It's bannable only if you yourself are glitching to be the second killer.