Is the hag good ?

I am just curious if you all would consider the hag a good killer and how would you rank her ? I usually main pig but interested in hag but don’t know how to use her efficiently and what perks are good for her and how to manage traps . Any help would be great
She is strong, campwise, but other than that, against a well-trained SWF group, she could be trash. It depends on the player, not really the killer though.
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She is good of you learn her. What worked for me was setting up a three gen trifecta and putting traps in that area. This was how I used her but other people’s tips might be better than mine.
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She's really solid, because she's effective at shutting down loops and making areas incredibly unsafe in chases. If you're using her to camp you're using her wrong.
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I don’t camp I just wanted to know if she is viable and what perks are best with her . I suck with spirit and I main pig . Would you say she’s better than pig ?
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Is she harder to learn than spirit ? What perks would you say are best for her ?
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Really underrated killer. If you use her power well enough, you can even ignore and prevent strong loops and mindgame survivors. And yea, strong basement match, but you will not play basement every game. If you want to play good as hag, learn how to use her traps effectively. There are plenty of guides from good hag mains out there.
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She has a smaller terror radius so M&A is really good on her.
Allows you to really sneak up on survivors.
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she's top 5. the build I recomened is ruin, bbq, haunted ground and make your choice. u can replace bbq with sloppy if you don't care for the aura reading and points.
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What would you say are best perks ? And places to put traps ?
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Where are good places for traps cuz I know if I put them by pallets they will be noticeable
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Just remember that when a survivor triggers a trap it will shift there camera to face it, so its always best to play traps near a corner, so if you are in a chase and they trigger a trap it will force them for a second to change direction and into a corner
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Oh I wasn't implying you camp. Just that she has a reputation. I'd say she's better than pig mostly cause of her map control and chase potential. She can shut down loops entirely by simply placing a trap
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Trash tier, every time i can escape easily
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chokepoints, open areas to guarantee a hit, or loops survivors always run to, such as shack. always be spamming your teleport key to give survivors less of a reaction time
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Yea she is. I been playin her before she got updated
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I haven’t fully learned either of them and I can’t tell you what perks since I didn’t get my dream build on her.
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She's a top tier. So she's better than 11 killers. So yes, she's good.
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She's the fourth best Killer in the game because of her ability to shut down loops and quickly catch up to Survivors.
You're either going up against Hag players that are still trying to learn her or you're counting hatch escapes.
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Because the hatch opens when the 3 other survivors are sacrificed ;)
These tips are pretty solid.
@cricketscorner thanks for the shoutout :)
A simple tip to manage traps is that you want 4-6 on the ground as often as you can.
If you teleport and you can't instantly hit a survivor, set a trap before you start chasing them.
Set traps constantly :)
Perks are dependent on your playstyle, but avoid perks that help in chases since you shouldn't be chasing a lot.
Honestly, getting better with the Hag is mostly about practice with her traps. Perks will help, but her power is what makes her dangerous :)
Good luck!
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I think people presume she camps because the hexes can teleport you right back to the hook. Thats not camping, that is "working as intended".
I love my hag. She's a pleasure to play the more I play her and watch various videos.
Highly recommended SpaceCoconut's videos on youtube. They've helped me out quite a bit. I started out being Ruin dependent as she's my main and highest level killer. Now that I've just hit 50 I'm working away from being dependent on Ruin.
She's a blast. Good luck!
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perks:my choice M&A and Nurse's calling (good for 24m terror radius killers), and something else on my choice. Basically hag perk build is more on your play style. As for traps, i can't tell you everything, i'll leave it on you watching some guides about it. But as i said, in some of the long loops to cut them off or in front of the pallet, so you can mindgame a survivor, or some places for camera flick (learn more about this in guides)
good hag guide. After you watch it you can go and practice and master hag
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She can be a powerful killer in the right hands, hex perks are amazing on her, but Devour Hope is expected to be on a hag sometimes
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Some of her add ons are OP,so yeah,give her a try
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I think she could be top tier if the distance she can tp to her traps got buffed and she didn't lose all her move ent momentum when teleporting.
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An effective Hag is a very strong killer.
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Hag is isn't like normal killers. Shes like a mix between nurse and trapper. I would actually say Hag has one of the highest learning curves in the game. Her traps have ALOT of uses. You can fake traps, you can mind game with traps, the camera flick, you can zone survivors out with traps, shes the only killer that can be several places at once. If a good hag wants you dead she isn't going to trap under the hook (that's only good with mint rag/rusty shackles) shes going trap the routes they will take to save you. People call her a camper because they think that anytime the killer protects the hook it's camping.
Hag isn't like other killers. Shes a strategy killer. It's all about the person playing her. She struggles against SWF much like Trapper does in the sense that good survivors can pop her traps intentionally and try to distract her from setting them. She shouldn't be seen for the first few minutes of the game. This killer is all about conserving time. The hag has to pick her battles. If you are getting looped and a trap doesn't stop the loop then you need to walk away from that chase.
No traps=no pressure. No traps=no killer.
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@kornz2dope she is amazing! Her perks are fantastic and the jump scares are incredibly effective. Her kill % is the highest 66% so there's that too!
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She is the reason why I start playing the game!
I love her mobility and map pressure and I love to set up traps and mindgames to outsmart others. Winning by knowing you played smarter than your opponent appeals to me.
Her addons offer a variety of gameplay options that can be fun and viable.
She is not that overpowered because you need time to set her up for success.
For playing against the hag:
crouching prevents the trap from going off, only Mint Rag Hag can counter this.
Flashlights and Fire Cracker cancels her traps.
If she is in a chase you can confuse and defuse the hag by running around and setting off as much traps as possible.
MYC is a beautiful perk paired with the Hag and she lets you pressure the map while protecting certain objectives (Totems, Hooks, Gens, Choke points ect.)
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Yes, Hag is amazing.