Deranged Pursuit achievement needs a rework

Originally when this achievement was revealed, I thought you simply had to down someone while in Feral Frenzy or something along those lines. Instead you have to down someone who's already in Deep Wounds after stabbing someone else. This is a totally luck based and near impossible achievement on the level of Evil Incarnate. The only way I can see someone doing it is through farming.

This achievement needs the treatment Skilled Huntress got on Console, which reduced downs from 24 meters away via hatchets from 100 times to 20.

They can very easily redo this achievement like how they're updating Legion altogether.


  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I agree. Achievement is damn impossible! +1

  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333

    Hope it will get changed in a Mid-Chapter patch. Got 2 by playing normally so far. The rest only by farming.