How to have a fun time on Dead By Daylight

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Hey Guys ^.^

Its your favorite majestic creature reporting in.

To start this off before people get the wrong idea, this is not a bashing/targeting discussion. I'm pretty much just giving my personal cheat-sheet or suggestions of how I handle certain situations on Dead by Daylight to make it more enjoyable. This is going to be a long post so just bare with me :D

1) Toxicity (Surv or Killer)

We all encounter toxicity, whether its receiving or giving it off. I personally just report what I can & leave it in the hands of the case team at Dead by Daylight. Yes, yes, I understand it can be very frustrating & irritating to be on the receiving end. If you are personally easily effected or sensitive towards matters like this I would suggest taking a break whether its for 5 mins or 5 days (HA! like I could ever. Dead by Daylight is my guilty addiction) or even just fixing your privacy setting to avoid hateful messages or posts. So in a nutshell guys: REPORT REPORT REPORT, or BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK. Now lets get to you little rascals that like to feed others toxicity:

I know this is probably going to go over your head & you probably don't care. I just wanted to use this gif :l But no, seriously there is another human being on the other end of that lovely Survivor/Killer. Be nice! Please <3


2) Perk Issues

Here I'm going to address the main perks I see people complain about whether it be Surv or Killer

NOED: This sounds so cliche & repetitive but you've gotta cleanse totems guys. I know its hard, circumstances being you're Solo Queueing ("why are we here? just to suffer?") & have tried but can't get them all cleansed by yourselves. Also I feel like having a # of totems tracker (For K's & S's) wouldn't hurt so you know how many have been cleansed that you haven't cleansed yourself.

DS: *runs away screaming like a scared pony* DS is such a controversial perk, I really hate talking about it sometimes because I feel everyone sees things differently when it comes to this perk. In my OPINION, (have to capitalize this because people tend to forget OPINIONS are NOT FACTS <3) DS is fine now. I main Myers for Killer & I've barely ran into DS, however, when I do its not really a problem anymore. Some people may see this otherwise and I'd love to hear opinions. In the meantime, enduring is a great perk to run against DS. It works for me tremendously.

MoM: Haven't played against it yet, don't have Ash, or the perk itself. I want to hear your opinions on how to work with this perk and against it :)

Hmmm, what else........................................................ OH!

Hatch: *mario coin noise* Now, now before I get my neck rung for saying this.... Its okay for the last person to take hatch guys. Getting a 3K is OKAY, I promise! <3 Do I agree with someone who hasn't done squat the entire game getting hatch? ABSOLUTELY NOT, in fact I believe there should be a system implemented to calculate a certain amount of qualified points to be able to take hatch, BUT if this does end up being the case don't beat yourself up over it. Just move on to the next game and try again :) Thats the great thing about DBD, you can play an unlimited amount of times (insert matchmaking joke here) and get different results from last game that can be better or worse. Its not the last game you'll play my fellow DBD Brethren.

SWF: I love playing with my NON-TOXIC group of friends. We all bought this game for the purpose of having a horror game we can all play together that is actually good & enjoyable. There is a great amount of Survivors who have this mentality when playing SWF's, don't let the bad bunch overshadow ALL survivors its not fair to them. HOWEVER *comma* I have ran into my fair share of being bullied by SWF's and yes it is NOT fun. There have been times where I actually gave up, like literally put my controller down and just let them do what they wanted so the game can end and I can just move onto the next one (I refuse to DC, I want my points but I don't shun any Killer that does) SWF's is very stressful at times and what ones like to call a "bully simulator" <--- idk who came up with that, but its spot on lol. Anyway, I try not to get to worked up about it, as said earlier just get your points, kills, etc and move on to the next game. There are more Survivors looking to play that are probably a little more fun to play against.

So to end this off, I just want to say these are just suggestions. I try to practice what I preach to the best of my ability when it comes to situations like this because it makes my experience on here 10x better <3

Please, if you have suggestions or counters to the way I handle things feel free to post here. I want to hear them! <3

With that being said, I'm looking for people to Queue up with and maybe even learn stuff from on KYF's. I'm on Console as of recent (PS4). If you want to run wild in the fog, just let me know and I'll add you ^.^

"I vomit rainbows and my guts are made of glitter." -Unicorn