Live Q&A: Post your End Game Collapse questions here!



  • 北欧人
    北欧人 Member Posts: 45

    Survivor slugging while looking for the last survivor will still be a thing. Why are you not addressing this also? Is boring but an effective strategy

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Will blood warden be changed due to the potential power it will have in the end game collapse?

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    What goals should be achieved with this new design?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Will Reverse Bear Traps be changed in any way as a result of the implementation of the End Game Collapse, and if so, how?

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134

    Will it be possible for a killer to bodyblock a survivor until the timer runs out?

  • ace814
    ace814 Member Posts: 1

    what will happen with a killer who body blocks one or more survivors in the end game

  • BeepBeepHonkHonk
    BeepBeepHonkHonk Member Posts: 9

    Does the killer now see where the hatch spawns?

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Will hatch spawns remain the same or will it be changed from its regular locations?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Should NOED be reworked so, if you close the hatch, NOED doesn't activate. But if the gates are powered naturally, it does.

  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172

    Another scenario often associated with the hatch and ending the game is slugging. Situations where a survivor is downed when the hatch closes, or is hiding somewhere waiting to bleed out, or when the killer has survivors downed and is waiting for them to bleed out or be killed by collapse rather than hooking them.

    Do you foresee any changes coming to these scenarios and the mechanics of the dying state?

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Will The Pig be balanced around the Endgame Collapse? Setting a Reverse Bear Trap timer on top of the Endgame Collapse timer, preventing you from escaping will likely create guaranteed lethal situations.

    Was the Freddy rework created with the Endgame Collapse in mind?

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    What’s the benefit for a killer if they decide to open the exit gates, since survivors can just leave?

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Exactly HOW MUCH is the timer slowed down if a survivor is downed or hooked, and is it slowed the same whether they're downed or hooked?

  • FinnishFox
    FinnishFox Member Posts: 24

    Will the killer still be able to grab survivors jumping in to the hatch?

    (I.E. last survivor running to the hatch but causing a scenario where the killer could perform a hatch grab or close the hatch, basically ensuring the last kill).

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    What happens if the Killer slugs and the timer runs out? This will encourage Killers to slug even more so than before and just leave you on the ground for the Entity to consume you and get the kill credit.

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349

    Will a well timed hook with Blood Warden mean guaranteed sacrifices??????

  • ConvoBreaker
    ConvoBreaker Member Posts: 1

    I'm scared about Blood Warden and Head Traps not getting changed or pausing the timer when active, can we get a confirm of either of those?

  • Drasconav
    Drasconav Member Posts: 3

    First off collapse looks awesome great work here. second is there any plans to incentivize killers to not camp 1 person on the hook when the exits are open outside of the decreasing emblem score?

  • Folkin
    Folkin Member Posts: 16

    Will there be a way to hide the countdown timer, not that it is bad but i think the sounds and visual thing's do enough.

    Anyway great new objective, keep it coming. 😃

  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    Will there be any old or new perks for killer or survivor that affect the collapse time limit?

  • Rhein
    Rhein Member Posts: 7

    Will the ground Effect Potential cause scratch marks to be harder to see? (sense from what i can tell in the video their Red)

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Especially with the emblem/pipping system, players may need to stay in to get BP via chases, sabo hooks, or to survive longer in trial to pip, will this be an alternative game mode, or affect all games, will there be sufficient time to pip before collapse?

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    How is it that you guys did such a great job with the end game collapse, but such an awful job with the Legion rework?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2019

    Some people may feel that if the killer closes the hatch, they could then patrol two gates (which sometimes are VERY close) with slim chance of escape based on tricking the killer at two separate locations. My question is, are they powered at 0%, requiring you to evade the killer AND fully open them, or is there any assistance to them?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited April 2019


    What was the reasoning of starting the collapse timer when the exit gates are opened rather than the 5th generator? Have you tried increasing the timer to compensate for the faster activation?

    Post edited by NMCKE on
  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2019

    When End Game Collapse activated, the fire will came out from the ground, and the killer CAN see the fire, right? What about the scratch marks, what happens if the fire CONFUSES the scratches?

    Post edited by GhostrickSpecter on
  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited April 2019

    Has any thought been put into Killer's ability to body block the Basement with this change? Now the toxic behavior will be rewarded and promoted to be used. That is a glaring issue with this change. As an example, if I hook someone in the basement early game. I can simply rush to body block the stairs when someone goes for the rescue. I now have 2 Sacrifices if I just stand there for the rest of the game.

  • Icewind
    Icewind Member Posts: 8

    Two survivors remained in the match. One player who is caught can leave from match and instantly open the hatch for the last remaining survivor. Because of this, it is impossible to get 2 pips on high ranks. Will there be a revised hatch opening after the quit of the survivor from the game?

  • Princess_Mipha
    Princess_Mipha Member Posts: 1

    If the hatch is reopened by a survivor, will the Endgame Collapse still continue?

  • Eross1b
    Eross1b Member Posts: 58

    Will it be released on live servers on the 30th of April right after Avengers Endgame?

  • Vangarooo
    Vangarooo Member Posts: 1

    Can the Killer see progress bar of Endgame Collapse?

    Can the Killer notice to start Endgame Collapse by survivors' opening the gate?

    Or survivors can only see progress bar?

  • Scarecrow
    Scarecrow Member Posts: 32

    What happens if killers turn toward toxic behavior and just slug everyone and wait out the timer? It says it counts as a normal sacrifice. So what will stop them from abusing this and going afk.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    I'm very excited for the End Game Collapse! Thank you devs for listening to the community and reworking the whole end game to make it way more exciting and tense.

    My question here is:

    Have you ever considered a survivor getting hooked in the basement, another survivor goes for the save and now the killer is bodyblocking the basement stairs until the timer runs out. Now the killer got a free 2k and theres nothing the survivors could do about it.

    Will anything be done about the basement stairs to prevent this?

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    Can a killer close the hatch if the last survivor finds it first and decides to teabag on top of it instead of jumping in it?

  • EmpathyBuff
    EmpathyBuff Member Posts: 8

    What does the fire on the ground during the End Game Collapse represent in terms of the Entity’s realm?

  • GhostIHunter
    GhostIHunter Member Posts: 16

    What we gonna do if the Killer is The Trapper or The Hag. This killers can trap the exit gates and close the hatch and when the hatch is close the endgame collapse gonna start. How to escape ?

  • Ilkiway
    Ilkiway Member Posts: 1

    will hope activate when the endgame collapse begins?

    How will the reverse bear traps affect the endgame collapse?

  • Steafanmc
    Steafanmc Member Posts: 34

    How will this effect the report system for example, if the killer decides to block basement stairs with survivors in basement till the timer runs out so they all die

  • Rocky
    Rocky Member Posts: 42

    Now time will be is playing against the survivors, although it been same before, but now it’s especially. In this case, I would like to find only valuable items in the chests and the broken key does not apply to them, may I hope that the broken key will no longer spawn in the chest? End game collapse looks amazing 👍️

  • Dagnor
    Dagnor Member Posts: 1

    So here's my question about it. If your last survivor. And killer closes the hatch while theres still some generators active. What happens then? Is gate ur only escape at that point? Or since gens arnt done at that point is it just game over?

  • Icewind
    Icewind Member Posts: 8

    A killer with a new system can abusing standing hatch. He can simply find the hatch and wait for the survivor. As soon as he sees him, he closes the hatch and pursues it. If the survivor repairs the generator, the killer will simply close the hatch and go look for the survivor. And most likely will find it. Are there any ideas to prevent this? For example, add auto-closing hatch after some time, which activates the collapse?

  • IAmFlownominal
    IAmFlownominal Member Posts: 16

    Can the hatch be re-opened with a key after the killer closed it?

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    I think there is one QOL over-site in regards to the Collapse Timer slowing when a survivor is hooked or in the dying state. If there aren’t any standing survivors, shouldn’t the timer proceed at normal speed?

    if it doesn’t, then The Collapse will be agonizingly slow, and the bleedout timers will most likely end before The Collapse does. If someone Kobes, has Unbreakable up, or is running No Mither, once they are up and in control of their character, then the timer should slow if there are others that are still hooked or in the dying state.

  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112

    Are you planning on making the Pig's Reverse Bear Traps work with the End game collapse and if so in what way or just disabling the kill on exit gate leave?

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595
    edited April 2019

    What is your targeted percentage of survivors that is able to escape if 1. they are the last survivor, 2. don't have a skeleton key, and 3. killer activates the Endtime Collapse by closing the hatch?

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    How much of an increase will hooking a survivor cause to the timer?

  • doodle
    doodle Member Posts: 1

    If the killer is holding a survivor when the collapse ends, will the survivor die instantly, or will they stay alive until the killer either drops them or hooks them?

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Will there be future perks specifically geared towards being used in the "End Game Collapse"?

  • Aluna
    Aluna Member Posts: 66

    Any new achievements for the new end game?

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I know this are technically two questions but they are connected. Why would the killer open the exit gates? Does it give the killer bloodpoints?

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