End Game Collapse Clarification


Confused about a few parts.

In one section of the video there's four gens left and then it turned into end-game, whats the deal with that?

Secondly- if they close the hatch what're your options if there are gens left? Just doing generators?


  • Nova_Terra
    Nova_Terra Member Posts: 123

    Disregard second question- saw it powers the gates when closed.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    When the killer close the hatch the gate can open jyst see the video and go to 0:30 sec

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    For the collapse starting, I'm assuming they activated it themselves since the footage was taken from a test build and they probably can input commands to do stuff like active the collapse whenever they want.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 509

    It's possibly a piece of footage that snuck in with them just activating it via console commands to test it. That or a mistake in general. (Or just some example footage)

    If neither, it's possible the hatch spawn requirements might be reworked as well or a overall match timer was added.

    There's not much to really go on, the only thing being a gen just got finished before end game starts, so there's alot of possibilities.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773


    I think this is after the killer opens the gate, they didn't specify if the killer can only open the gate after all gens are done. This is here to either keep survivors from holding the game hostage OR for the killer to give up, like if they're about to dc but instead can just force the game to stop this way.

    This is just a guess btw

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    I think a dev clarified it was just for the sake of the video footage.

    The only way end game is brought on with four gens left is if only one survivor is alive.