Kate Denson - Future Cosmetics IDEAS ( Part 2 )

Hello , i hope one of the devs who design Kate's cosmetic will look at it ( just 1 time is the best thing for me ) . As you can see, Kate barely has her own country vibe or diva singer . That's sad , but don't worry , look at these and i hope you guys will consider making them <3
About the clothes
All about country cosmetics :
City - Modern Singer - Beauty Queen :
Not but at least , her hairstyles are really LACKING :(
And ... whenever you guys need a sunglasses or glasses :
That's it . I really wish someday , when i wake up and check leaked skin - There would be some of them or even all of them !!!!!!! AUGH I will die with happiness :)
Thank you Devs team , no matter what happened , i still support you and be your lovely fan !
With love and respect to all the DBD TEAMS <3
This is my finding in the games : CHOICES and i edited it with the transparents background
I love all of these, i'd say my favorite is the First hair style and the first modern beauty queen one. LOVE it, and as a Kate main I agree that her cosmetics are lacking.
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@OffensiveHumor : OMG Thank you so much for liking it <3 I wish they could make her more modern city clothes haha
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Yeah! These are amazing outfits, Now all we need is immerse Kate x)
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@OffensiveHumor : Immerse is only available for Claudette only lol XD
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I would buy that pastel rainbow hair in a heartbeat. <3 The designs are super cute. Did you draw/make these or find them?
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@UskSowy : Kate main too . YAY !! <3
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Kate mains unite! 💜 hehe
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good work btw <3
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@TryMeBoi : omg thanks so much i wish i could contact to the devs to add these too 😂. Really want devs would do some variety of her clothes because she is lacking outfits a lot :(
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These are so well made! They must have taken forever to complete.
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@Saint_Ukraine : Lol if they made this i think we will have to wait 2 years or more to get them all 😂😂
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@baileyiscute I'm sure it'd be worth the wait. 😊
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Oh woaw, thoses are amazing, i love every single one of them, i hope they take note of it and add a bunch of them or at least take inspiration from it !
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@Plu : Thank you so much , i would literally die in happiness place if they decide to make it or look alike abit :)
You are such a cutie <3 hehe
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I love these all, especially the blue hairstyle (Kate definitely needs some cool hairstyles and clothes, she's one of my only survivors I don't feel I have a lot of great options for, there's no colour or style, even jane has some more creative options in the store and she's new), you are amazing at making these, great work! 💖
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I wish they take notes from this thread, their latest Kate outfit makes her look like a killer.
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@Kiskashi : Yes , i really wish they would add more cool stuff for Kate :( The new one is ok , it’s not the best outfit for her but they worked on well with other cosmetics 🤔
Oh wait , thank you for your compliment ❤️ You are such a cutie 😊
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@Judith : Hey , on the bright side , they did do a survey for fan creation cosmetics , right ? That’s amazing if my thread is already read by the design team and they just wanna ask the fandom to agree the skin made by fan . ❤️ I would literally die with happiness.
Thank you for such a nice comment . Love you ❤️
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These are fantastic! i think you did another topic with other clothes too? i really hope the devs do use these, i need new clothes for my Kate! :) also i have to ask, who is Bailey?
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@Mushwin :yes this is the second thread about it . I love when you liked it ❤️.
second of all , Bailey is my nickname lol 🥺 So embarrassing when i call myself cute lmao 😂
third of all , THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️😊
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Lol i need to call myself MushwinDownVoted now lol these are fantastic though and ty for taking time and effort.....i do hope the devs do take these....i love the white dress that is my fave...you should design a new arm tattoo for Kate ^^
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Kate’s tatoo is literally her Kate things lol . I did wish to remove her tatoo or make it look different.
as the result , i find that the tatoo cannot be replaceable or changeable 😂
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Oh okay, a shame as other tattoos would of been nice lol
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I like this Kate customs so much baileyiscute , Also nice draws and ideas,are you going to make more posts like this?, With some killers like clown,hag... And survivors like Meg...
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@Elros_909 : i'm so sorry that i'm interested in Kate Denson :'( . Hey don't be sad , i will say that , maybe some of these outfits would look good in other female characters too . Don't worry much ^^ But mostly i made these for Kate :)
Don't loose your hopes :) And definitely i will post more but seemly only for female survivors , especially Kate :(
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Freaking impressive work again! 😘
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@not_Queen : OMG you made me happy again ❤️ Thank you so much 🥰😊
do you know that you are a really amazing person ? 😱
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All of these are from a mobile video game called "Choices: Stories you Play" :P they were not made by the creator of this post, Unless this person actually creates the artwork for that game which I highly doubt they cannot claim any ownership of these as it is Illegal.
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@Judgey001 : Okay so i found these clothes and made transparents background for it . Do you want me to delete all of these ( i edited it and deleted all of the pic ) ?
And I’m sorry for not being clear about that
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I'd just edit the original post (both of them) saying you did not create them & crediting the actual owner
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@Judgey001 : Okay :'( i'm so sorry for being so misunderstanding . I hope you won't get mad :(
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oh man these all look really awesome! I do hope they add at least some of these if not all! Great work. 😍 @baileyiscute
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Enjoy the one I did with Photoshop :P
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Love these, holy damn. Especially the hairstyles. So stylish.
Devs need to implement these ASAP. Or at least some of them.
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Wow, I would love any of these!
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thanks ^_^
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@baileyiscute as a Kate Main I am absolutely in LOVE with these cosmetics and I could imagine every single one of them on Kate.
@not_Queen how are the chances Kate might be getting some of the high fashion? I would love to see her rocking those dresses and hairstyles. <3