#########? Did I hear this right?

Did they say the hatch opens no matter what when there's 1 survivor left? Can a survivor beat me to the hatch and escape after doing ZERO gens? Somebody pls tell me I heard that wrong or misunderstood it.
Yep. Better find that hatch.
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The hatch spawns and opens once there's one survivor left.
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Jup " free escape " purely by not getting found by the killer will be a possibility.
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Yeah it has truly become a free escape. Maybe no one will do gens now and just wait for the others to die.
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It clearly sounded that way from what the devs said in the video.
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And to think some people believe this new system is an end to "free escapes".
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This is the most ridiculous idea they've had yet and they've had a lot of terrible ideas.
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Well, it's still possible to slug for the 4k.
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True, I just think killers shouldn't be punished when the survivors fail so miserably.
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Lore wise the entity feeds off of survivors hope and the hatch is a beacon of hope. How often do survivors not do at least two gens though?
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Omg only trash killers sluggggggggggg!!!1!1
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Oh hey, being able to close the hatch means being able to get NOED on the last survivor. That's handy.
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I dont really have a problem with that, I mean... I've been held hostage so many times when 4-5 gens are left... This is a relief tbh 😂
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I play mostly survivor, and i think that's a bit extreme. I totally would deserve to die if i did not get 2 gens done in the time it took for the other 3 to die.
But maybe this isn't about completing gens, but more about everyone DC'ing and abandoning the last player
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If I trash the survivors before they get 2 gens and the hatch spawns near the last guy then that is the definition of a free escape. Guess it's either deerstalker or billy from now on.
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@ggallinftw It's probably to avoid that the last survivor would take the game hostage. Imagine that zero or only one gen has been done. You have no idea where the last surv is. The surv doesn't try to repair the missing one or two gens but just hides randomly on the map. That could go on for ages.
Now, you can close the hatch and start the 3-minute-timer. And yes, there is the risk that the last surv finds the hatch first. Therefore, slugging is still an alternative.
I think it's more important to avoid situations where stand-offs and hostage taking can occur.
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Yes but does it really matter?
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couldn't the timer just start when there's 1 survivor left if they haven't done 2 gens? i don't see the need to punish the killer for dominating the match.
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This is actually totally possible. With the amount of D/Cs that the game gets, it's like the only thing they can do to help the people who don't D/C. But boy, does it suck for killers.
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Awarding failure seems to be a common theme here in DBD.
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You'll definitely lose a pip though.
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They can, but why would they?
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The solution to the hatch hasn't changed. Don't hook the second to last survivor. Use the 4 minute bleedout timer to hunt. If you want 4 kills that badly then the solution is simple. If you fail to find the last survivor in 4 minutes then they earned it as much as you failed to earn 4 kills.
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I guess it's the only way since they are so adamant about not punishing dcs.
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If the hatch wouldn't spawn like it doesn't now it just makes the survivor hide for ages which is imo 100% worse option than closing the hatch/having the survivor find the hatch.
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I shouldn't have to slug for the 4k if they didn't get anything done. 2 gens... sure. Doin nothing shouldn't be rewarded though.
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As I said, when the last surv doesn't have a way to escape, a lot of survs tend to hiding somewhere on the map and taking the game hostage. If you don't have tracking abilities, you won't find that last surv. I'd prefer to avoid those situations, even if it means that some survs might escape through the hatch if I don't slug.
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You are in favor of finding the Hatch first. Killers are faster and dont need to hide from anything. If really no Gens have been done, the Survivor cannot camp the Hatch anyway and needs to search it.
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No need to search for it if it spawns close to them.
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@ggallinftw how often does that really happen though?
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As I said in the post you replied to, thetimer could start when there's only 1 survivor left. No hostage taking.
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The fact that it only happens once in a while is even more reason to not deny the killer that last kill.
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Currently, the timer activates when the hatch gets closed or when an exit gate gets opened AND the gens are blocked.
How should the timer start? Do you want to open the exit gate for the last survivor? That can't be the case.
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I've said it pretty clearly. If 2 gens have not been completed, the timer should start once there is 1 survivor left.
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Just a little extra why not let the killer see the aura of the hatch. Just to make it a bit more balanced.
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I sya this purely because in my experience lately the hatch has literally spawned right next to the last survivor.
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@typicalpleb No, they can't. Peanits already said that was them using the debug command to show an example in the video. The killer still cannot power the gates until the 5 gens are done.
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you call that fair? killers already are faster and don't need to hide to run around looking for the hatch