The Collapse: Good start, but here's the main issues I see

Sythalin Member Posts: 280

3 minute timer -> BAD

Too long. Any decent survivor can easily evade a killer for 3 minutes to make it to one of the 2 open gates. 2 minutes is more reasonable.

Killer can open gates -> BAD

  1. Killer can open gates -> BAD:
  2. Spot killer going to open gate
  3. Sneak up behind killer while they're opening gate
  4. Gate opens, run out gate while killer stands there looking stupid
  5. Forum starts flooding with cries about new meta: NOED + Blood Warden

Dying/Hook slows down timer -> BAD

The collapse is meant to speed up the end game, this just makes it pointless. There should be no change in speed at all. This will propose the survivors with a choice: take your escape while you have time or chance rescuing your buddy from a potentially camping killer.


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Any of those changes has the potential for overcompensation. I'd say what we have now is fine for initial implementation

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    The timer should be faster, if someone is hooked or injured.

  • Potato50
    Potato50 Member Posts: 1

    Doubt this will happen but what if the killer goes into 3rd person while opening the gate?

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280

    Then survivors would just either sit a few meters back out of the FOV or just hide behind a nearby obstruction til the gate is opened. Unfortunately, at this time I can't think of any way opening the gate as killer wouldn't be inviting a free escape for any survivors that are actually paying attention to what they're doing.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457


    1. Killer opens the exit gate faster than survivors.
    2. As a killer, I will not open the exit gate unless I’m slugging someone. And plus have blood warden as a perk
    3. IMO 3 minutes is fine because if a survivor loops you for a bit and you finally catch them, then their teammates will have a small chance to saving them.

    There’s a lot of play style for end game now, thanks to this new upcoming feature.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019


    At first blush, I agree with you about the timer to a degree.

    If it's going to be three minutes, then being put into dying state or hooked should speed it up, not slow it down. If fellow survivors are going for the rescue, they need to race against the killer and entity.

    If it is made shorter than three minutes to start, then I'm okay with dying state or hooking slowing it down a little. That would balance out the shorter base timer and is still a race against time for altruism.

    That said, I'll wait to test the PTB before I post any concrete suggestions to the team.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    3 minutes is fine.

    The intention probably isn't for the Entity to outright kill survivors, but to present a sense of urgency and prevent some hostage holding scenarios. Direct death by Collapse will probably be very rare, as it should be.

    It will, however, prevent the current hatch standoffs which is where it matters. 3 minutes feels like just the right amount of time for a lone survivor to make a play for one of two doors being patrolled by a killer.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Pretty sure the collapse is being introduced to discourage survivors from staying in and making killers wait for them to leave. Also it can help against people denying BW with killers being able to open the gate and in the case that someone's trolling and playing hide and go seek instead of opening doors, you can open them yourself and make them leave.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Haven't seen anyone mention this, but with the red/orange fire lava on the ground during the end game collapse. This may make tracking scratch marks very difficult. Especially against good survivors who are tricky with movement.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118
  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I don't think is a good mechanic to be able to open the exit gates as a killer. It can be used for depip purposes. And even if you have noed and bloodwarden it doesn't worth it. It's a bad idea.

    I think if you are going to do that then the exit should be blocked for at least 30 sec by the entity. And in my opinion the end game collapse timer should never pause.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    That's fair

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    Yes this was the intended purpose. Some people think it should be killing survivors when it is to help prevent people holding games hostage. It is a quality of life change more than an end game change

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298
    edited April 2019

    I like the timer as it will make it more risky in choosing whether or not it will be worth it to save hooked teammates once the gates are open.

    Realistically, more survivors would just bail now. I welcome this change.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I think you fail to understand the point of this feature. It is to end the game. It isn't really meant to give killers free kills. If the killer hooks or downs a survivor then the survivor team deserves an opportunity to save their friend. Allowing the clock to continue to run would act as a deterrent to hook rescues. Which again, is not the intent.

    3 minutes is ample time to leave most games, but imagine the new hatch closing scenario. Killer closes the hatch. The last survivor only has 2 possible escape points and often they can be reasonably close to each other. So the killer can easily patrol those two points. The survivor needs time to open the exit gate while still trying to evade the killer. 2 minutes might not be very practical. I don't think this was an arbitrary number they pulled out of their hat. They should have play tested to come up with something fair to all sides involved. 3 minutes sounds just about right to me.

    "Killer can open gate > Bad" Ummm, how so? I think there might need to be some kind of restriction so the killer can't open the gate before generators are done. It would be really obnoxious to have the killer open the gate at the start of the match so they can de-pip faster. Other than that, I don't see an issue. If you don't want to open the gate as the killer then no one is forcing you.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    The Endgame Collapse does exactly what it's supposed to, no changes required.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    This. It should go faster when someone is downed and way faster when someone is hooked.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    As opposed to what we have now? I think it's a fine addition and doesn't require speeding up. The Killer doesn't deserve free easy kills just because the gens have been completed. Not to mention a lot of people in lower ranks are going to suffer, so let's not go crazy with backlash about changes we haven't tested yet.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    What's free about it? If the endgame collapse has begun, multiple ways to leave exist and if the Killer catches someone at that point...mistakes were made and punishment should be forthcoming.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I thought the 3 min timer was fine at first, but then it ocurred me that doing one gen by yourself with no toolbox or great skill checks takes 80 minutes, which is less than half of that. By DBD standards 3 minutes is an eternity.

    I get that the point of the change is to stop survivors from taking the game hostage, but I see it as an oportunity to improve the late game experience, which is quite stale right now imo