Please leave the Pig alone

GlassComet99 Member Posts: 60
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Dear devs,

I watched the Endgame Collapse announcement and I am (or was) so excited for it!

I also realized, just like many others, that the Pig would receive a nice passive buff, which she needed and deserved; lots of people were excited about new possibilities, like an endgame build with Blood Warden.

Until the creative director Dave Richard stated she's going to get a “Logical change ;)” on Twitter.

The Pig is a mid-low tier killer at the moment, and the passive buff could make her mid-high tier. It would be a nice buff, which would make her way more fun to play and probably more popular (I've faced her only twice in over 130 games last month).

This change, which probably is a Legion Treatment, would nerf the Pig and make her less fun, therefore even less popular, which would practically kill her.

Please devs, leave the Pig alone. Don't change anything about her, let us Ms. Piggy main have the fun we long awaited.

Post edited by GlassComet99 on


  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited April 2019

    im pig/wraith main, pig doesnt need buff at least not buff traps, not long ago she got her base crouch buffed and thats plenty enough for her, there is main difference between her and most killers, she isnt as easy to play as most, because to use her wisely you need to use her crouch to sneak up on ppl, pull them off the gen, and dash on pallets (if survs doesnt know how to play vs pig, pig isnt loopable killer)

    if you want to learn how to use pig go watch psychoscorpionz (he is fog whisperer and pig main) he will open your eyes

    Edit: why there isnt a lot of pigs? because 95% of this community never used her croutch so they think her only power are her traps which is a bummer

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I hope she doesn't a huge change, she's fine the way she is.

  • GlassComet99
    GlassComet99 Member Posts: 60

    Yeah. Maybe some tweaking will be needed, but I'd prefer playing her without any changes during the PTB in order to judge wether she needs a nerf or not.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    The logical change is to the trap mechanic at endgame collapse so you are not left in a situation where a pig just needs to slug players, open the gate and trap them, with little time left they may have no hope of getting it off and leaving.

    That's the only issue I see with it and don't see that change as a nerf to her as endgame collapse is made to end the game quicker not to guarantee kills by cheesing some mechanics.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Devs, stop destroying the killers, please.

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    Sweet. Keep up the good work devs.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Why would they change the pig? I don't get it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2019

    Because the Pig can close the Hatch on someone wearing a trap to start the Endgame Collapse, forcing them to have to search through boxes AND have to worry about opening the gate within the allotted time. In a worst-case scenario, if the Pig has figured out which box the Survivor needs to search to free themself, she can just sit in front of the box knowing the trapped Survivor is guaranteed to die (since they can't escape through the gate without the trap going off).

  • GlassComet99
    GlassComet99 Member Posts: 60

    It's because her bear traps could be OP when the endgame collapse is activated.

    However, since we don't know what changes they want to apply yet, I'm worried of what they could do. If any changes will be needed, I suggest that every time the endgame collapse timer slow timer slows down, the bear traps timers also does by the same percentage.

    We'll have to wait for the PTB to release in order to get a sense of it all.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    I heard Pig Buff?

    Just a joke.

    A Pig buff would be rly cool.

    But after this Legion rework........

  • GlassComet99
    GlassComet99 Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2019

    It's because the bear traps could be too OP when the endgame collapse activates.

    Maybe some tweaks will be needed, but since we don't know what changes will be applied, I'm worried of what the devs could do.

    If any changes were needed, I'd suggest that every time the endgame collapse timer slows down, the bear traps timer also does by the same percentage.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Okay.. so?

    People have been stupidly escaping with a trap on their head for well over a year. Who cares?

    Let her close it down on them. They got caught in the 1st place... aka... that's why they have a trap on their head. And most pigs don't wait to use their traps late anyways.

    I don't see a need for this. It only makes the power role...

    more "powerful"...

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,586
    edited April 2019

    Sigh... The Pig isn't good enough at chases for traps and 3 minutes to be a huge balance issue for non-potatoes. Unfortunately, potatoes are what this game is balanced around as of late. If it's 1 survivor alive, ok, make a change to the trap/escape interaction. Any more than that, then it's probably a tactical decision from the killer to save traps, and if survivors are in a situation where multiple people have traps on their heads in endgame, they screwed up a long time ago. Even if you take NOED into account, multiple people getting slugged and trapped shouldn't happen against a killer like the Pig. Again though, the consideration is probably lowest common denominator rank 15.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It's one thing to ensure Survivors don't get a free pass with the Reverse Bear Trap by using the Hatch. I was all for doing something about changing the interaction between the RBT and the Reverse Bear Trap.

    It's another thing to all but guarantee that the last Survivor won't survive the Endgame Collapse. Searching through several boxes and opening the Exit Gate by yourself is a pretty big ask, enough so that I can see the logic behind doing something about it.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    seconding the thread

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    Trap isn't a free kill for tunnelers and shouldn't be treated as such.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2019

    I could be very much be wrong, but I ASSUME that whatever changes the devs are making to the RBT are being done with the ability to close the Hatch in mind, not with the overall Endgame Collapse in general.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,586

    That would be logical then. There should be some reasonable avenue of escape.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2019

    I told you once again. Every killer can tunnel if they want.

    Post edited by Ihatelife on
  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684


    Miss piggy get 115 movement speed

    All trap automatically remove once end game started

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    Ah, darn I thought she got 110 ms or something

    Alright, crouch movement speed is 100% but massive nerf something else because that's how balance work (look at Plague and Legion)

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2019

    According to wiki, pig crouch speed is 92 and Nurse is 96

    But as long they gave some speed buff and not faster than 115 or more they can change almost everything