Totem Fix Idea

Just wanted to shoot out an idea regarding totems to see the reaction it got. The way totems work now is they spawn in predetermined locations, although randomly, and from those locations some get turned into your Hex totems. Experienced players know most of the common spots, which is why it makes it difficult to use totems against higher ranks. However, less experienced players don't know the locations very well, making totems such as Ruin HIGHLY effective against these survivors.
I propose a change that would affect both experienced and new players regarding the totem system. When the game starts, all totems appear as dull totems, but their effects are still in play. After a minute or two, the totems that are Hex totems turn "on" and start to glow and make their noise, although faintly at first. As time passes, the totems will start to glow brighter and louder, making it easier for survivors to find.
This accomplishes two things:
1 - It makes it so experienced survivors can't spot your totem from a mile away if it's in the open, giving you at least a minute of totem use (or the survivors can try to guess which totem is your Hex and cleanse dull totems, also buying you time)
2 - It makes it so after a period of time, newer survivors will also be able to find your totem, allowing them to cleanse a Ruin or Devour Hope that would otherwise let the killer run away with the match
Anyway just wanted to see what people thought of the idea, or if it's been suggested before. Maybe you think the initial duration isn't long enough? Maybe the totems should be invisible to start? Maybe this should be a perk instead of a passive? Just a thought.
I think all hexes should be split between two totems, like Haunted Ground, except you have to break both affected totems to remove the effect. That way one bad totem placement doesn't kill the perk as soon as the match starts. If you allow partial overlap of hexes on totems you can still run a full hex perk set without adding more totems to the map, and survivors get more opportunities for Lightbringer progress.
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I would support this. Losing Hex: Ruin 10 seconds into the match basically results in you being down a perk for the rest of the game. However, against lower skill players it is likely to be up for the whole game. This is dumb because Ruin disproportionetly effects low skill players anyways. Same is true for Lullaby and most other hex perks.
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Yup! These were my exact thoughts when coming up with this system. The devs have tried making better hiding spots for the totems/spawning them out of sight. However, all that does is keep new players from seeing them and doesn't prevent players who understand how the spawns work from finding your totems very quickly into a match.
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Cleansing totems takes 14 seconds, though. 🤔
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Cleansing a 14 second totem in 10 seconds? That's just how efficient survivors have become! haha