Entity DLC

Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

So there was a discussion about the entity being a playable killer and I wanna share an idea and get thoughts about it

The entity will only be playable through the use of a splinter.

Entity has no access to perks but his power makes up for his.

The entity is the creator of the endless escape. His power comes from where he builds the world therefore he can destroy it.

The entity moves at 105% speed his power seals off windows and pallets (only one item can be sealed off at a time vaulting/using/running through the blocked off area puts you in the deep wounds state, reapidly going through the sealed of area will cut your timer down 20% each time

The entity passive abilitys are: all interactions are quicker, Gens broken will be blocked for 15 seconds, searching a locker will bring any one survivor that is in a locker within the 15 meters to that locker, entity breaks pallets much faster as well as vault window, once all gens are completed the Entity becomes agro and speed is increased to 117% with instant down at the cost of its power

Now entiy can't be this boss without his weakness: For every generator completed the light shines ever brighter slowing the Entity interactions, light is very harmful to the entity light flashed at blocked off area will go away, entity gets blinded quicker and stuns caused by flashlight will stun longer

during the collapse phase survivors can work together shining a light on the killer slows the entity to 113% and removes instant down for 60 seconds, if the survivors run the entity through all 7 light up gens then a special event will happen where 4 ultra rare flashlights spawn in the basement. Survivors must then wait till the last 5 seconds of the collapse left at that time all survivors must shine there light at the entity having the collapse turn on itself ending the Entity

Reward would be getting the ultra rare flashlight

It has enough charge to get 3 instant blinds (item cannot be found in bloodweb)

Ask if you got any questions


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    This sounds so situational yet pretty fun at the same time, I kinda like this

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Wait, you said ''he'' instead of ''it''??? ArE u AsUmInG eNtiTy'S gEnDeR?!?!?!??!?!