Question: if the devs started changing the killer meta ever so often would this help the game?

Sentry Member Posts: 124

If instead of adding new killers they buffed and nerf certain killers so survivors always have something new to fight against and this would make rank one less of a grind and always versing nurses and billys.


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Problem with that is that people will get upset if they don't add new Killers in a certain amount of time.

    Its hard to keep everyone pleased too, since if you buff a certain Killer, Survivors will have an outcry and you'll see a lot more DCs against said Killer. If a Killer is nerfed, no one will essentially play them unless if they're truly dedicated to them or they're just playing that Killer for jokes and giggles (Freddy, in this case).

    With how you see the PTB currently, it's a good example of how it can be one-sided, but not intentionally. The Devs don't intend to anger one side, they just try their best to make sure things are as balanced as possible, hence why they take feedback for every change.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    edited April 2019

    They already said that if you want to be competitive you have to play those 2, that's it.

    I would love to be able to play any killer in rank 1 and also stand a chance against experienced survivors but they keep nerfing mid tier killers at best, look what they've done to Pig and Legion, look what they did to Freddy when he came out, Myers could have also been a top tier but he got nerfe long time ago, some killer perks are still trash which doesnt help at all with variety and the list goes on and on.

    Worst thing is that some survivors say ######### like "oh exhaustion nerf, DS nerf, flashlights nerf, pallet vacuum nerf, some Infinites nerf" thinking those changes werent needed, which btw all of that wasnt a nerf, those "nerfs" are balance, nerf is what they've done to Pig, a complete unnecessary change that makes her weaker.

    But anyway, Im using all my Moris and insta-saw add-ons this days because as soon as this changes make it live, because killer's feedback always gets ignored, I'll just uninstall and move back to Battlefront 2 full time. At least those devs know about balance and have all characters at almost the same tier + they listen to the community :)

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Sounds good in theory.. but the last few days really show the reality of making such changes.

    People go....