DBD Hag guide

Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Thanks to @NuclearBurrito I'm making a Hag guide... forgive me if it doesn't go into too much detail, I'm not used to these things. Without further time wasted, let's get into this.

Just a quick note, I'm going to mainly talk about the way I play Hag.

Overview on hag:

Hag is a really strong killer, in my opinion, she's second best atm, since Spirit was nerfed and Billy is not as good in comparison. Check below for more detail on that, I wrote why I think that. Hag has a lot of different playstyles, and is a very versatile killer. Unfortunately, I can't cover all 5 of them (I only know of 5, but what I can do is I'll list them briefly. She probably has much more playstyles honestly, but I'll list the ones I know of. I'll be covering my specific style, which is a combination of a Hag that traps routes, and a Hag that traps in the general area of 3-4 gens and a hook. (I dont camp, but I protect the gens to snowball massively.)

Just to mention, I will not be using Ruin in my examples, you can and probably should use Ruin on Hag, but I do perfectly fine without it.

Her 5 unique playstyles

Hag has 5 (maybe more) unique and viable ways to play her. It's strange how she's the only killer who has that much, and it shouldn't be this way, but that's for another post.

Her first playstyle, is a Hag who traps loops. This Hag traps only loops, making her chase ridiculously quickly and she can be a massive threat like this. @SpaceCoconut is a Hag who uses this playstyles and his videos are a good example of why it's effective. This one requires a lot of planning ahead. Chases are about 10-15 seconds.

Her second playstyle, is a Hag who traps choke points. Tru3Ta1ent is a good example of this, because he traps choke points and he makes them ridiculously dangerous for survivors. This is a really good gamestyle too, however it's one of the only ones that has a weakness, and that's the Farm maps. Since they have very few chokepoints, and your game plan should be changed if you get one. It also has a strong map, The Game, where the doors and stairs are a massive chokepoint, which can lead to ridiculously bad plays for the survivor that they are powerless to stop. Chases are about 20 seconds.

Her third playstyle, is a Hag that traps only routes. This playstyle requires a LOT of planning ahead as you have to think way ahead of the survivor, what routes they'll take and you catch them off guard using their routes against them. With this, you need to trap places the survivors will go, an example is, if there's a jungle gym and a T and L wall next to each other, you're going to want to trap in the direction YOU'D take as a survivor, to reach the and if you're a decent survivor, then other decent survivors will most likely take it. You need a ridiculously high amount of skill to play this effectively, and it's not a recommended playstyle for new Hag players. It's a playstyle that I commonly use early game. Chases are about 15 seconds.

Her fourth playstyle, is a Hag who defends the hooks, you basically shut down any chance of an unhook. This takes the least skill, and is extremely common. There's a different variation to this playstyle, however, and the other variation is a Hag who traps hooks, but only paths to the hook, and she stays for only about 10 seconds, trapping routes to unhook the survivor, but it's not camping like the other one, and it's an effective playstyle, as long as you don't forget to trap the loops, routes and chokepoints too. Chases are about 30 seconds, but hook pressure keeps you hooking people constantly, so it's insignificant.

Her final and my favourite playstyle, is a Hag who protects 3-4 gens flawlessly, otherwise known as, a Hag who covers 1/2 of the map. This playstyle is monstrous and devious as hell. You can protect the closest 3 gens to your hook or even 4, and keep the survivors completely terrified of what you'll do next. This playstyle is sort of tough, because you can only commit to your half of the map, so you must let the other halfs gens get done otherwise it'll all crumble, this playstyle has the best snowballing out of all the other playstyles that were mentioned, and tends to have a snowball when the web is set. Trapping properly is VITAL to win with this one.

How i play hag (this is what you WANTED to know right @NuclearBurrito?) :

Hag can be played very differently as you saw before, and you will end up up finding your own, like I did. I'll just explain mine for people who want to try mine out, it's difficult, not going to lie.

Early game: What I tend to do early game, is trap one half of the map. Cover everything, routes, paths, jungle gyms, THE SHACK, your totem if you run Ruin or something. By the time my web is set, one out of two things will happen. Either all the gens will be done on the other side, which makes your job really easy, or someone will have triggered one of your traps. You want to push them into other traps to create mindgames. Try to corner them into your traps, and if you've trapped a loop, don't instantly teleport, because some survivors will jump back into you. If you trap a pallet, dont teleport when it's triggered, survivors might jump back into you. It's hard to explain this on word, I'd recommend watching Tru3 or @SpaceCoconut to learn these mindgames, I'd be no help. It comes with experience to learn these tricks. But you should have your down before the survivors get a gen done if the trap was triggered.

Mid game: Now you've got a hook, you trap it, and you keep trapping your half of the map. Survivors should run into it, and your next hook will be in 30 seconds. You should have 2 survivors on a hook at once, but if you don't, don't worry because once that guy is unhoooked, you can walk back, or teleport. Depends, either way you'll initiate your second chase quickly and you'll have another person on a hook quickly. You should not be afraid to drop the chase to generate map pressure if someone triggers your trap. Unless you're super close to catching them, teleport to your traps that are triggered and slap everyone. Thanatophobia is really good for this, and you will have about 3-4 survivors injured at once making gens take 12.8 seconds longer. Thats the equivalent of 3 missed ruin skill checks, plus a 0.8 extra seconds. It makes a considerable difference.

Basically, it shouldn't get to end game, because everyone will be dead from the mid game momentum, if you've played it correctly. Again, my words are nothing, they're just explaining the basics and giving tips, you will learn more in practice.

Recommended perks:

Perks are really helpful for Hag. My personal build is Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, A Nurses calling, and Save the best for last. Sloppy butcher and Thanatophobia keeps me free to hit everyone and pressure the map and gens at the same time. Ridiculously powerful build.

But, there's a large variety of perks you can run, because she's versatile. I'll list them:

Sloppy butcher


Save the best for last

A Nurses calling is a major game changer with Hag

Make your choice

Hex Ruin

Devour Hope

Hex the Third seal

Hex Haunted grounds

Agitation and Iron grasp combo (for a basement build).

Pretty much any perks work on Hag. She's versatile. Except Insidious and stuff like that.

NOED is a good pick for a starter, because she's tough to learn.

Tips and tricks:

You want to trap important loops like the shack, and Jungle gyms.

For the shack, you want to trap here, to maximise the area it covers, and to make mindgame chances.

The drawing is bad, I know but I covered the area the trap covers.

For the jungle gym, long wall variation, you trap here, so you can cover the window and a potential pallet loop.

As you can see, once they drop the pallet, if they run sidewards, you instantly teleport and down them. It covers most the loop well.

For the L shape jungle gym, I just trap the middle. Like this

It works to counter the loop effectively for me anyway.

That's the main loops I trap anyway, the other ones are irrelevant and easy to trap up, just cover the pallet, and for a T and L wall, you trap one window, run around the other until you catch them. Simple.

  • Never instantly teleport if the survivor might double back into you. This is an important lesson to learn, and comes with experience.
  • Don't be afraid to leave a chase to start another. It creates pressure and you want pressure.
  • For SWF, they're beatable, if you play completely optimally and know your mindgames. It takes experience to beat them. I've only lost to 1 when i was learning Hag, and now I beat them well.
  • For addons, Range addons and the triggered trap duration are strong. Another strong addon to combo with range, is the effective phantasm range addons. I'll show you a rough example of the distance they can cover.

As you can see, the base covers a lot of the shack, yellow covers slightly more than I drew and green literally covers that much, no joke. These addons are good to catch unhooking survivors, since the extra distance they cover make there be a much higher chance to trigger it. I didn't cover brown because it's not much different.

So yeah, this is about all I got. The rest comes from watching youtubers/streamers or by learning yourself. I learnt it my own way. Sorry if the guide is a little blunt, I'm not used to these, and I'm quite bad at explaining it obviously.


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Why Hag is better than Billy and Spirit.

    Why I think Hag is better than Billy. Hag can spread pain when the survivors are across the map quicker than any other killer in the game, not even Nurse can. She is way better than Billy in chase. She can dominate with Thanatophobia, she can control 1/2 of the map without addons 3/4 with her green range addon alone. She is ridiculously mobile with her traps, joint with Billy. Her map pressure is off the chart and she's everywhere. With STBFL, she's unstoppable. She can control 5 gens at once. That's massive considering Doctor is limited to 3 or maybe 4. She's unpredictable. If you're good enough with Hag, you can even take on SWF, as I do, and still win (Yes I'm that good with her). She's unloopable and amazing at mindgames. She can snowball WAYYY better than any other killer, even better than Billy. I don't need to expand on that, it's common knowledge how good she is at snowballing. She can injure 3 survivors and down 1 in the space of 20 seconds, and with STBFL, maybe even 14 seconds. She can pressure survivors into healing and gets a major advantage if they do. She can sometimes bring the game to a crawl, if they are pressured into healing. - 

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @NuclearBurrito and @TreemanXD I did it..

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Poweas I use the final hag strategy, but she’s boring to me. Thank you for making this! <3

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok I think I get it.

    You can't put traps everywhere, so you zone off about 2/3rds of the map and give them the 1/3rd for free so you don't have to cover as much ground and from there you can just chase them into your traps at your leisure.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2019

    A Bit of a meme, but Franklin's Demise on Hag and Trapper is also great. All their traps need is a little bait, and FD gets you that. It's also funny as hell to jumpscare the crap out of them right after they pick up their item and knock it back out of their hands (I've actually destroyed flashlights this way). Hag is usually better with this tactic, but only because she has traps to spare.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @NuclearBurrito pretty much, choose one of the strategies that suits you best. Honestly, sometimes as Hag you gotta switch between them midgame. Like if you originally trap routes, at some point you might have to switch to a gen protecting playstyle to win. It's difficult. If you learn to smoothly transition between playstyles, you'll be solid.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @TreemanXD did you win? Also yeah, she's pretty boring when you only protect those 3 gens, I think the way Tru3 plays her is the most fun, since it's funny knowing you've trapped the survivors. Route Hag is a ton of fun too.

    Also just random trapping can be a lot of fun, when you fly around everywhere and get lucky triggers.

    Idk though, my personal style is boring to some, but satisfying to me.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    The art is fascinating

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Poweas I usually win like that but, winning is not what defines the “fun” in dbd for me.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Hoodedfengm1n thank you! I'll take that as a compliment 😂😂😂😂.

    But it's just for a rough idea of what to do, most the playstyle you'll develop will come from only you.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    @Poweas Better than what I can do

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I'm more of a "win or bust" kind of player myself.

    I find enjoyment in optimizing my strategy, execution ect more than I do in any inherent second to second interaction.