Killer Idea: Long-Hair Woman

Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

I'm almost certain something like this has been mentioned before, and I'm not claiming it's an original idea, but I would love to see a slender woman in a tattered robe with long black hair down to her feet stalking around hunting survivors. For a base attack I think she should just have long nails, not hold any kind of weapon, since her hands would be claw-like.

She could activate her power, and for a set amount of time survivors within her terror radius would gradually become entangled in hair, building up a meter until it bound them restricting their movements or slowing them down. They could leave the TR and the meter would decrease. Exact specifics could be left up to debate and tested, but I imagine something like Clown's Gas where the survivors are choking and snared. Otherwise, she could have it attached where she has to aim at a survivor and grab them with her hair, and this person is now snared and linked so they couldn't get too far away unless they broke line of sight.

Actually, if this isn't so great as a killer, I'd probably just enjoy the model as a survivor. Picture one of those Japanese-horror women, hunched over with hair covering most of her face, running around barefoot and repairing gens. I think it would be neat and kinda creepy, anyway. Otherwise an accompanying survivor could really be anything. I'd like to see a young Middle Eastern woman in a hijab, or maybe an old woman wearing a shawl or something who simply passed in her sleep and wound up in the Entity's Realm. I have other ideas but they could really work as cosmetics and don't require new characters to implement.