Killer mains are destroying the game, not the devs

xChrisx Member Posts: 917

3 minutes for endgame was good to go and rescue someone and try to escape, now there is literally no point with only 2m to try something, just leave at this point, congratulations killers main always crying.

And 20 seconds for open a gate its ridiculous when the timer is running and the killer is camping the gates, its impossible to escape now. Just revert the changes

If you want to dont let anyone escape use remember me.

@Peanits @not_Queen



  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited April 2019

    EGC starts when you open a gate unless hatch was closed plus time slows down when someone is hooked and 2 mins is enough time considering how fast you can get gens done I am sure you can run to a door in that time.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772
    edited April 2019

    EGC was made because some Survivor needed to go on an immersed dive and waisting a lot time of the Killer players. Also hatch stand-off was a major issue.

    3 minutes is a lot time to get your butt out.

  • MasterUff
    MasterUff Member Posts: 78

    Usual if your not the only survivor, then the exit gate is open. You now have 2 mins time to leave. In this time you have plenty of chances to t-bag, make noises, being silly. Why do you need more time?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2019

    @Peanits While completely understandable if its the normal end game but what about the hatch scenario?

    Say a killer stands by it and waits, closes hatch and the gates are at the other end of the map.

    You have to lose if seen and/or avoid the killer and get to the gate to open it hoping while also hoping they are far enough apart that the killer can't patrol.

    That's alot in 2 minutes to be honest in this game versus a competent killer.

    I personally think the timer should be increased for that scenario to make it more balanced, maybe even remove the door opening progress being shown.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    I'm a little bit confused here; if the Killer closes the hatch, the gates instantly become powered and all generators are blocked. You do not need to do a generator first.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2019

    @Peanits sorry i edited it as I meant before they closed the hatch you can do a gen and give away your position but after re reading it didn't say that lol, mobile typing gets to me at times with this format.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    yeah. EGC is after the gate is openning. The Killer isn't camping the gate because you are already on the other side of it.

    I've only even gotten an EGC Kill by openning the gate while the survivors were on the other side of the map while using ToTH and NOED and then downing people that tried to cleanse my NOED totem.

    And even then they easily could have escaped using the other gate. I was playing as Huntress btw.

    Also dedicated servers seems to have a thing where is causes powers to cancel randomly. I had multiple missthrows where I held the button but threw the hatchet anyways or where I randomly unphased as spirit.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    If anything it's both side that are destroying it, both for whining and being manchilds because they don't like other people doing what they don't like, in a video game.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    You have 2 minutes to get out after an exit has been opened or the hatch has been closed. You don't have to open an exit immediately as it currently stands, you can leave it at 99% if you're wanting to save someone, but when it comes down to it, if someone got hooked and a teammate opens an exit, it narrows down to whether or not you want the risk of taking 3 minutes (since someone is hooked and the time is slowed down) to save someone, go for it, but you're not obligated to.

    The change was nice; I play both Survivor and Killer and I see no issue in the time being toned down, it just makes the endgame force Survivors to think on their toes and decide what is best. I don't mind that one bit.

  • pushkina
    pushkina Member Posts: 130

    Or my team failed to do gens. And it is much easier for the killer to find hatch.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    What I heard from this is - don't play solo survivor with randoms.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    It's good that the last Survivor now has to work for their escape. The hatch was too much in favour of Survivors but it will take some time until Survivors adapt to their new situation.

    You better start to look out for the hatch before the 3rd Survivor dies if you want to secure your escape, it's still not that hard. If only 0-2 gens are done the Killer deserved the 4k imo.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Killer mains are the source of toxicity. Thats a fact.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    If you have someone to save, that means the timer will double and you can control when you open it. If you're the only one left, SHOW us you deserve to escape. Just because you're the last person left doesn't mean you're the best, most valuable player. You don't even need to be in the killer's sight to see if they're waiting at the hatch. If that's the case, stealth around and do gens.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I like the adjustments as a survivor. My biggest issue was there felt like no actual way for killer to pressure you after gen 5, and gate was so easy to open.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Where are your sources for these facts? I'd like to see that data.

    Both survivors and killers are just as toxic. Please stop with the rhetoric.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Take it from Cranky.

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    He was fixed. Your new Legion is now in an acceptable state.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    First of all what team? Dbd is not a team game its help others or dont it's a choice, when playing solo in essense it's a 1v1v1v1v1.

    Secondly the egc is not there to make sure you get another kill, players need to stop looking at the egc as an actual mechanic to punish players for being caught and see it for what it is, a way to stop the trolls from prolonging the game too much.

  • Lemming
    Lemming Member Posts: 103

    Has to be trash to be acceptable? Oh joy. You must want Wraith nerfed as well.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    All I heard from you was "I don't want there to actually be pressure and game"

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Pressure and game? that makes no actual sense.

    There is pressure with the EGC but it is not meant to be get out or die now pressure! the whole concept is to stop the trolls from holding the game hostage in a reasonable time frame while still enabling some plays to happen, what it is not is a free kill in that time frame which you seem to think it should be.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    It's true.

    Im playing both roles.

    Killers arent destroying the game, only a vast minority of killers are toxic, mostly survivors are, but 2m is way too low.

    The timer should start without a gate being opened and then 3m, that would be okay, but apart from that, it should stay 3m.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Just 99% exit gates, lol.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    He still needs some fixes in their current state. I like their concept now, but they still need some tweaks: Terror radius reduced to 24 meters, shorter cooldown to 3 seconds, Reverted Feral Frenzy movement speed etc...

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Remember got nerfed kiddo.

    Try again.

    The changes they made to the PTB are great. They make sense. You are not entitled to survive.

    20 sec gate. 2 minute EGC. It's fine. Well done.

    Remember got heavily nerfed. From a max add on of 30 seconds to gates to just 16.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    It isn’t that bad @OP.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited April 2019

    Killers fault? In what way?

    Survivors are the ones that wouldn't leave matches, if they consistently left every match after saving or leaving the guy then there wouldn't even have been a conversation for it as being an issue.

    No, the issue was that the survivors hid and stuck around for no reason, if they wanted to rescue someone, fine, do so. Of course getting caught means they are toxic as all hell though. But when you save your buddy, just leave. Why run around more? Especially if the killer is just waiting for you guys to leave. Don't wait, just go, they want to move on and has admitted the rest are escaping reasons the killer is not chasing you out the gate or at all, they are done, so move the f*** on.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    No. But Legion is now in a state that is easier to balance. So, in that sense, it is more acceptable.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    About one thing im wondering. I also mentioned "killer mains are silly" and i got jailed for it. Im not trusting gayMyers as a mod seriously. Thats ridiculous.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I only want to discuss the issue of people hanging around inside the gate. The reason people do this (at least, up until now) was for two reasons: to see if anyone else needed help, and to 'say goodbye' to the killer. It was a good game, take care, have a free hit as I leave for some points, etc. If I know everyone is safe, I go right out (I don't want to lose my item to Franklins).

    I hope people still behave this way in the future. Sometimes, when I get saved from a hook at the end, I have no idea where the exits are. I run away and hide so I don't get killed right away, then look for a safe exit. If I might need another rescue, or a heal, or a bodyblock, I hope there are still people around to support me. It's the sign of a good teammate, a good player, and a good person. It's why I sit inside exits many times, only to run in and die so someone else can live. That's a win to me, it's why I play the game.

    I don't think people should teabag, however, especially if it was an easy game. It was likely since the killer didn't camp, tunnel, and played very fairly in regards to chasing healthy people over recent hooks. You had a good game, don't gloat over it and just leave in peace. I know during the game some people do it just to irritate the killer so they'll remain the chase focus, and that's... a strategy, I guess? But at the end when you've won, just bow and leave respectfully. Imagine that player who didn't get any kills, but still tried and doesn't want to see people adding insult to injury.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    This whole post reeks of a disgusting degree of casualness and nicely highlights the mindset of so many Survivor players. You even think it makes you a bad person if you don't sacrifice for others. Its so communistic that it's no wonder survivors believe any Killer who tries to win is just a horrible person. This game is just a lost cause, precisely because of people like you who want to be entertained at someone else's expense.

    So yeah, Killers aren't destroying the game. casual, carebear, play for lulz no-skill survivors are.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Tip: If you want to be taken seriously, don't bring political ideologies into opinions on playstyles.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited April 2019

    What political ideology? Casual and communistic are not in any way strictly 'political; terms, and in the case of casual not at all. Why don't you have anything to say about the poster quoted who stated that people who don't play as they do are actually terrible human beings? You have a problem with one word that can also be used in a political context, but you're okay with 'all these people who play a game in a way i dont are bad human beings?'

    Where are your priorities?

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    2 minutes... 3 minutes really with the time slow for downed or hooked survivor is plenty of time to attempt a save and escape

    and the EGC is absolutely a "clocks ticking y'all do your crap fast and get out... OR DIE" mechanic

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Here's why I'm addressing you, and not the other guy. You made good points, with the exception of what amounts to "communism is ruining gaming". Now, I happen to agree with you on those good points, but this one absurd notion makes you lose credibility, and by association, it makes all those who agree with your good points lose credibility.

    I'd rather not have good points be ignored just because someone whom I happen to agree with also made some ridiculous statements. Yes, association is a fallacy, but it is one that is often used to dismiss criticism, and I'd rather avoid that if at all possible.

    So, not just for your own sake, but for the sake of everyone who makes good points, don't bring communism into this.