Save Amanda!

So most of these PTB changes sound pretty alright, I haven't been able to experiment and play around for myself yet, but almost all of it sounds good. Almost. My main concern here is, as the title suggests, the Pig. Here's why the current functionality of the Pig really isn't gonna cut it.

The biggest issue here is her traps not activating after all generators are completed. This does a couple of things to the Pig, none of which are good.

Firstly, it removes an entire playstyle from this killer. A popular strategy was to save your RBTs until the end or until there is one generator left, and then start using them. This created a more intense and potentially dangerous endgame which was more fun for both sides, lasted longer, but was more risky for the killer... and you can't do that anymore. That entire style of gameplay is just removed for the sake of stopping a killer from potentially being too powerful, lest they return to fix it. That's kind of sad considering we were never given the chance to see if it would actually make a significant difference, which I believe it wouldn't. It would make that type of endgame less risky, but still very fair. Think about it, survivors were given a lot of time to escape. Now with the two minute timer, they have less time, but it's still ample opportunity to escape with time to spare.

Secondly, it destroys any endgame potential the Pig has compared to any other killer. After all the gens are done, she simply becomes a killer who's only ability is a basic attack. Nothing else. That's a bit of a problem. The point of the RBTs was to add pressure and deny escapes for a short while. They can't do that anymore, leaving the Pig with a hidden blade and absolutely nothing else (with the exception of perks). No unique ability, no pressure on the remaining survivors, nothing. They're free to escape, unless they had an RBT put on before all gens were completed.

So here's what I think should be changed.

Make the RBTs still activate during endgame. Two minutes plus whatever is given when a survivor is dying or hooked is definitely enough time to get a trap off and escape. But also remember that currently the endgame timer only starts once an exit gate is fully opened, so survivors would have even more time to get any RBTs off, especially if the exit gates were left at 99% complete. If there is truly a concern about an already weaker killer becoming overpowered in the endgame, then at most the RBTs should just have a longer timer during the endgame. Then they could still be useful and deny/slow escapes, but not be blown off as nothing to worry about. It should be scary to have a freaking reverse bear trap on your face! Worry about it!


  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    The whole reason of pigs RBTs is actually to slow the game down (gens, heal) in the early and mid match, not the end phase. Ofc you could have some advantage if you put on a RBT after all gens popped, but that wasn't even a guaranted kill. So the only change with the new endgame is that you need to put on RBTs before the last gen pops. If you mainly kept most of the RBTs until the end then you definitly played her wrong.

  • epicosity
    epicosity Member Posts: 27

    And they do a good job of slowing down the midgame, sure. And yes it was never a guaranteed kill, but at least its existence still mattered and could help you secure one or even two more sacrifices. It doesn't make sense to get rid of that endgame ability, it's a considerable part of what makes her viable. There is no reason to nerf an already weaker killer. Also, I usually don't play Pig that way, but it's still fun and viable.

    This nerf is kind of like if they stopped Huntress or Clown from reloading during EGC, or if Trapper's bear traps all broke at the arrival of EGC.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119
    edited April 2019

    I see both sides of this. In my belief, though this is a multiplayer game it and should be relatively fair, as a horror game the survivors should have to eke out an escape under duress. Now, from a gameplay perspective this sounds horrible, and might very well be, but picture kind of like Last Year where there's one tunnel to escape and everyone's clustered there at the end trying to get out with the killer right there on their heels. Maybe not everyone makes it.

    This game has some additions as well, such as Meyers who can just grab and kill you at the end, or Moris, or Blood Warden, or a few other stuff that can halt the success you think you're making, but at the same time this EGC wasn't designed to stamp out survivors (although, it could be thrilling if that's what it changed to. I'd be psyched for a tense ending like that!) it was created to stop survivors stalling the end when they had already won, which was really unfair for the killer, who just wanted to move onto the next game already.

    My opinion playing this game was always that survivors shouldn't escape as often as they do, it should be closer to facing a real supernatural killer who can't be stopped. You'd have tense, exciting matches, and every time you load in you think "Maybe this will be the game I escape!" and after you get a lot better, you might escape once or twice per day. Do people in slasher movies escape all the time? Usually, it's just one or two lucky people that got hurt but squeezed through an opening and won, right? This might not really be fair or enjoyable from a gaming experience, since both teams want to win and have a fair chance all throughout, but then that really isn't a horror experience, is it?

    *Playing without all the strong survivor perks can be tense, too!