So tired to force quit...

Hello world.

I'm writing here because I need to let out my frustration about this game. I have been playing Dead by Daylight for quite a long time, I now have more than 1200 hours on this title, and I saw it changing. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but that's not the matter: I like the game and it is almost the only one I play.

But I am tired. I can't stand anymore the glitches and the crashes, and the waiting. I love the gameplay, but to play just one game I have to waste so much time that I almost feel guilty, for just one single game.

I can't count the times I had to force quit the game because it freezes at the welcome screen, when it starts loading after you launched the game, or because it can't find a lobby and remains stuck on a loading screen, or again because it freezes after the offering screen, or because it starts to load but never finishes.

I feel like I'm actually spending more time in the menus and watching infinite loading screens than actually playing. And the worst thing is that I'm 100% sure that my computer is not the problem, since I tried even to reinstall windows, change the GPU, change the CPU with a more powerful one.

If you're curious about my current PC setup here it is:

  • Intel i7-6700k (not overclocked)
  • nVidia GTX 1060 6GB
  • 8GB DDR4 RAM
  • 500GB SSD

Also I have a pretty good internet connection, that works flawlessly and always worked with any game I played in the past.

What I really can't understand is why. Why creating a fantastic gameplay, an innovation I may say in the videogames world, something that will be remembered as the first game of his kind; but then to ruin everything with an user experience that simply does not work as it should?

Maybe I'm just asking to much for a game that is, after all, an indie and not an AAA game, but this perpetual waiting, and closing, and reopening, and waiting, and then closing again, and then maybe playing, and then waiting, and so on, is just driving me mad.

I can't play one full hour because the game gets stuck in some loading screen and I start to get irritated, after having to restart for the third time in less than 30 minutes I start to get extremely frustrated, sometimes I even start talking out loud, swearing and screaming as soon as I realize that the trial will never start. Again.

I started to think that, for my own sake, I shall stop playing this game at least until it gets fixed to a point where the gameplay gets over the waiting and the loading.

I wish to you all a lovely day,



  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    i have the same problem but on a lesser extent as you. I have to close the game sometimes in the loading screen through the task manager. but it's like 1 in 10 or even less frequent than that. It's been better lately so i think they are coming with fixes. so don't give up yet, they will keep releasing fixes that will eventually help you too.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    We're sorry to hear that. We have been working on fixing that issue for a while now and starting with the mid-chapter update (coming soon™), we will be adding more analytics to the game to better track and investigate the issue. We have also been seeing fewer reports of infinite loading screens on the Player Test Build for the mid-chapter update that is currently live on PC. Additionally, in the same update, matches that start with fewer than five players will be cancelled and return any items, add-ons, or offerings that were used.

    For more details, you can check out April Developer Update here:

  • DxDen1004
    DxDen1004 Member Posts: 19

    Dear Peanits,

    I'm happy to know that you're working on fixing those problems, expecially when people disconnect and I need to wait so long for nothing, since the trial is already lost. As I write, the game is in background, loading, and it will probably never make it.

    Anyway, I suppose that cancelling games that starts with less than 5 players will be quite difficult, since one can disconnect at every stage of the loading process and this means that we will probably have to wait anyway, only that in the end, instead of playing, we will just get thrown out to the score screen. I think I would find that even more frustrating.

    I am quite curious, can you disclose some technical information? Will the game check at the end of the loading process, or check every tick if all the players are still connected or not? If this is the case, I can't see how it will prevent the waiting, because that's the real problem, not playing with 2 teammates instead than 3.

    I thank you for your reply, have a lovely evening.
