Make DBD Scary Again! (MDBDSA)

DBD is a horror game, people. The only time I got scared was my first few games, back when I had almost zero experience. I’d love to see more scares, but the current state, it feels like an arcade game. The strats for survivors are to literally run the killer around in circles, but it’s all people ever see in high ranks, I think survivors should be avoiding chases In general to make progress. And the perk abilities don’t help either. 

When you disect the game, it has plenty of horror aspects that are great
- killers design in aesthetics
-Music in a chase
-heartbeat when close to a killer
-Map aesthetics
-simple features like the screams outside of the map

Id love to hear your suggestions on how to improve the horror experience, It is a horror game after all
(unintended similarities to MAGA by Trump)


  • deadbydaylightfan
    deadbydaylightfan Member Posts: 262
    DBD is a horror game, people. The only time I got scared was my first few games, back when I had almost zero experience. I’d love to see more scares, but the current state, it feels like an arcade game. The strats for survivors are to literally run the killer around in circles, but it’s all people ever see in high ranks, I think survivors should be avoiding chases In general to make progress. And the perk abilities don’t help either. 

    When you disect the game, it has plenty of horror aspects that are great
    - killers design in aesthetics
    -Music in a chase
    -heartbeat when close to a killer
    -Map aesthetics
    -simple features like the screams outside of the map

    Id love to hear your suggestions on how to improve the horror experience, It is a horror game after all
    (unintended similarities to MAGA by Trump)

    Yes it is a horror game and it was scary but it’s like a horror movie you watch too many times it doesn’t and will never have the same effect you become “numb” to it I guess
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    @deadbydaylightfan true, but movies are the same movie no matter how many times you watch it, DBD games are all unique in a way, it just gives it some opportunity 
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Aesthetics and music won't do anything to make DBD scary unfortunately when its the broken gameplay mechanics that make DBD into less or a horror game and more of a ring around the rosie bully the killer benny hill simulator. If the killers were a fearsome force and the survivors were truly helpless in the face of such overwhelming monsters then it might be scary but that will never happen.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    @SadonicShadow I totally agree, I think survivors should be incredibly smart to a point where they can almost predict any move the killer makes, forcing them to constantly think what to do, and not what to loop
  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,109

    If any of the Killers get a Nea skin/cosmetic I'm going to cry laughing.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    The game is scariest for killers, you check a locker and you see a Nea UP CLOSE. I cri :'(
  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    I love the game and feel it still has the tension and angst of a good scary movie when in a good game. What takes away from that are the constant loopers and disconnects. It changes it to a Benny Hill chase, or allows a copout that ruins the experience for others. 
    The best of it is with Myers sneaking up and watching... Or opening a gate and hearing a heartbeat coming closer. 

    Id welcome a few changes to make it scarier. A few of the new perks will work to do that, not knowing if the killer is notified when your generator is 90% and their terror radius drops to nothing. That's going to be great and keep survivors on their toes. 

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    @MinusTheBillie Totally agree, this game has so much potential it’s incredible, I hope they take advantage of it 
  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    I believe some of the ways to increase the creepy/scary potential are thus:

    • increase the number of threats on the map. (Trees that grab you, birds that peck at you, things that grab your feet when you get to close to a storm drain, rabid demon like animal things...etc.)

    • create reasons for fear. (Lights in certain houses blowing, the rattling of chains, the thumping of wood, blood dripping from the ceiling....random insane scary stuff.)

    • apply different scare scenes. (set a player wandering down a dark hallway with the dripping sound of water, add the scratching of metal on floor, and then have a shadow looming behind them. They turn, and nothing is there. But now their mind is looking for evil in every corner. Jumpscares are one way to go....but true fear is a build up of anxiety, uncertainty, and just the right pinch of supernatural.)

    • Less adrenaline, more uncertainty. (If you truly want fear...then you got to stop making your players run all the time. A good scare requires atmosphere, a psychological build up, and an unexpected twist or two. When you force characters to run and get all worked up....sure, they will be frustrated and filled with dread/anxiety....but they will lack that true terror.)

    These are just some of my current opinions. Thoughts and ideas are welcome.

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    LOL Most of those would just annoy you rather than scare after a lot of hours spent. The only scary thing in dbd is ambushing: MM, Pig and Doc when you always have red stain and he comes from behind the wall.
    That's it. Only gameplay mechanics can make you scared in such a game.