Out of 100 games how many turn bad from DCs?

BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

Like many people have mentioned before players disconnecting has been an issue, and sometimes it seems like all your games are getting ruined as players dc for the littlest thing.

So I wanted to see out of 100 solo queue games as survivor how many of those games would have dcs in them.

To set some things straight

  • I played between rank 8-12
  • I didn't include any game that dc'd people from infinite loading in the final count
  • If I had to dc/did dc myself I didn't count that game (Forgot Thrones was on last night and had to leave to catch that crazy battle)
  • If I died first I didn't spectate to see if anyone dc'd after
  • I did include Killer dcs as well, while it provides a different type of loss/win I still think it ruins the game
  • I did count pulls on hook to no struggling/soft dcs in the final count (There was 2)
  • All games are within the last week or so

The numbers:

  • Out of 100 games 36 were BAD (either had infinite loading/players who dc'd)
  • Of those 36 BAD games 12 were infinite loading games
  • The other 24 BAD games were dc situations (2 of which were soft dcs/pulls on hook to no struggle)

Some things that surprised me were the lack of moris and one hit down addons, which usually lead to dcs. And out of the 100 games I saw maybe 2 moris, and 0 one hit down addons. Also people dc'ing based off a certain killer or map never happened in the 100 games (at least an instant dc as soon as the game starts).

I did see a good amount of killers using NOED, but didn't see dcs from it.

I think I might do this again once 2.7.0 comes out, since the infinite loading that brings you into a game with less than 5 players will be gone.

Just thought I'd share my numbers with you guys, my best dc/infinite load game combo has been 5 games in a row see if you can beat that :)


  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    Forgot to add that I was expecting way higher numbers when it came to dcs, in the earlier half of the 100 games the percentage was closer to 40% of the games had dcs.

    But as the games went on the percentage got better and better, I'm interested to see if the devs pull similar numbers in the game data post.

    Regardless the dcs suck and the dedicated servers hopefully will put an end to this crime that goes unpunished all the time.