Hill Billy needs a nerf
This is coming from a killer main btw...
He can apply way too much map pressure and end chases very quickly whit his one hit chainsaw.
Both nurse and the cannibal can also end chases quickly, but they can't run as fast as billy boy.
His ability allows him to find and kill quickly, making games very easy if you know how to play well.
I won't even touch on BBQ and chilly.
( btw nurse could get a little nerf as well ;D )
He doesn't
This is coming from a survivor main btw.
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He just needs a good penalty in his failed chainsaw, not a ridiculous 1 secon stun.
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Not really he's literally the most balanced killer in the game right now
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He is fine, survivor main btw.
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No, he doesn't.
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Nice try new account.
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Human main btw
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lmfao hes like one of the few balanced killers. killers should be balanced around him and huntress
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Both don't need nerfs well nurse actually needs her addons nerfed but other wise these killers are completely fine 50/50 player BTW
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Not in the currant state of the game he doesn't. Play's both side's equally btw.
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Both nurse and the cannibal can also end chases quickly, but they can't run as fast as billy boy.
First: Cannibal is low tier, because his insta down doesnt work good vs survivors with some skill
Second: Did you said Billy is better than Nurse?
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git gud?
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Billy and Nurse are fine. OMEGALUL
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i agree, its mostly her addons
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Billy instead of oneshot should put the mend status, and nurse needs a complete rework for her broken power
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Not since they've made Deep Wounds a laughable inconvenience, no. LOL
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@Tzeentchling9 he's just farming some downvotes I refuse to believe anyone thinks that the saw should put you in deepwound instead of downing you.
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Only nerf I could see is having a longer stun after missing a chainsaw if the chainsaw sprint didn't last long enough (2-3 seconds?). This would only affect missing a chainsaw up close and wouldn't affect his map presence otherwise.
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Nurse and Hillbilly are easily countered, weaker play Killers need a stronger counterplay.
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Unfortunately, the balance is heavily survivor sided. This is coming from someone with 2k hours and plays both sides.
The weaker killers keep getting weaker and the survivors keep getting stronger.
So no, i believe that Billy and Nurse are probably the most balanced killers.
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This guy can't be serious. I play both sides and Billy is OK. In my opinion something between Nurse and Billy would be the perfectly balanced Killer.
btw.: We need something next to the username like "Survivor Main" or "Killer Main" and so on..
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"hey, let's nerf the most balanced killer in the game who takes skill to be deadly af but has plenty of counter plays aswell!!"
Yeah, what should go wrong with this idea. Smh.
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Additional blink addons to be more specific, other than that she's fine
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Why would you go as billy for a difficult and high punished (if missed) m2 attack just to apply deep wounds? You would make him to an M1 chasing killer.
This is a suggestion coming from a 110% biased survivor main who never played killer for a long time against strong survivors.
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Billy is probably one of the most balanced killers (without add-ons). They just need to fix phantom hits and revert the hitbox change a while ago. Getting hit through corners, trees, and far away from windows is very unpleasant. His charge add-ons need toned downed as well.
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Hillbilly takes skill?
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Chainsaw wipping is where you get to prove your skill. It's already been nerfed and is fine as is.
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Honestly I feel different I feel like hillbillies chain saw is way easier to escape than leatherfaces
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Dedicated servers will hopefully allow more active dodging. Keep in mind that hitboxes are broken for both sides
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@shinymon Actually, yes he does, unlike spray and pray over here we call plag hillbilly is greatly punished if you cannot play him, for example, I get pallet looped and hit random objects when I play hillbilly, but others can own survivor SWF while I struggle to down solo survivors as him
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Actually yes, Billy takes skill and practice. While not at the level of the Nurse, he is a skill based killer.
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Let's imagine for a second, that the devs actually nerf Billy and Nurse...
What do you think would happen?
What killers would you expect on rank 1?
How long do you think, would survivor queues on rank 1 be?
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Indeed... this is good
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Yeah, hitting m2 can be difficult. Especially against good and unpredictable survivors. Also, using it at his full potantional to curve at loops is nothing you gonna master in 1 week practice. It took me months to be deadly af with my chainsaw at loops and with the introduction of new buildings and new tiles it's difficult to adapt to that.
Anyone who says Billy doesn't take skill is probably the worst Billy using his m2 only to travel or against survivors right in front of you cornered.
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I'm aware. That's why I said the phantom hits. The chainsaw hits that were obviously suppose to hit but you end up hitting air behind a survivor instead. I wasn't sure what to call them.
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Billy and Nurse shouldn't be touched in any way. No
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Billy is most balanced killer of the game. Survivor main btw
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If your a competent survivor by any means, you can use 1 second to disappear
I have had it happen to me on many occasions
Rank 1 Billy btw
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Are you having a laugh. Billy is fine as he is all other killers need massive buffs to his and nurses standard or just below imo.
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This is coming from a survivor main: I think Hillbilly it's ok right now
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No. Coming form a survivor that kills killers and has 200k hours and played for 20 years and has mained entity nea.
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He needs a friend is what he needs. And a chiropractor.
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Hillbilly takes skill? Lmao he is the easiest killer to play imo. certainly easier than the low tiers.
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The only nerf he needs its something to do qhile using chainsaw near to a survivor but also they are doing a rework on billy addons since some of them are soo powerful