Who do you miss?
I've been playing more survivor lately (XBOX) and I feel I've been fighting against the same 3 or 4 killers every match. I love playing against, for example, Clowns and Spirits but I honestly think I haven't played against either in 2019. Who do ya'll like to be put up against to have a fun match that aren't used anymore?
I like playing against Clown or Nurse but I hardly see them on ps4.
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Wraith or hillbilly havent seen much wraith anymore though
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Honestly huntresses and nurses, not many around lately on ps4 as above.
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Clown. I want to see more clown. Personally I don't think he's bad at all, I think he's severely underrated. Myers as well, he's super fun to go against and he isn't bad either.
I'm tired of seeing nurses and spirits.
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Clown. Do not see enough of Clown and he's a lot of fun.
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Any killer other than Hillbilly.
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On PC, i miss daddy michael and daddy clown, i'm sick of facing Billy tho.
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Did someone say "daddy clown?"
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The Clown is rare on PS4 but Myers would be fun to play against more, or Leatherface, try against him, too much Hillbilly's, I don't complain about before PTB Legion or even Legion now all too much but there is a lot of him and Plague, Myers is so unique, one of the killers who can be played in so many damn ways.
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I like playing against Pig's, Clown, Plague, and Spirit. I see a few Spirits but I rarely see Plague and Clown since they are "weak"
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@ShrekIsHot You see plague on ps4? I haven't seen her in a long time. She's about as rare as a random freddy, clown, nurse or huntress for me. I almost wish I saw all of these a little more, not just billy and the occasional LF
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I miss Sally.
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I miss Nea haven't gotten her as a killer for a long time and it is starting to make me sad.
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Freddys are actually super common, Huntresses as well, no Nurses or Clowns on PS4, Leatherface is rare.
We ended up bullying a Nurse who didn't know how to play her very well and kept missing on Springwood school, so we just ran her around and unintentionally farmed.
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On Xbox i'm pretty much guaranteed to fight a Billy, Doctor, or Michael, with the occasional poor soul attempting nurse for the first time or Freddy. Huntress, Spirit, and Clown are a myth to me. Shame.
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@ShrekIsHot Maybe it's a regional thing (or a rank thing but I'd rather not bring that up as I've seen rank 2-4 LF who don't camp), I feel like I rarely see huntresses anymore. It seems to go in phases, sometimes I see 50 spirits, sometimes 5 nurses, sometimes every 2nd one is LF, billy is the only consistent for me. I haven't seen a freddy in a while...
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It gets quite old to see how many Huntresses appear every other match on PS4, Huntresses are highest meta on PS4, no Hags, no Clowns, Legion, seen as a low tier killer is even more common than someone like Trapper or Doctor, the free characters. Huntress and Hillbilly are highest played in my opinion.
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@ShrekIsHot I feel like you're missing an "s" in that tag somewhere buddy haha :,)
I'm on Ps4 too though, I see more hags, trappers and legions than huntress... I'm just saying it's interesting we both see different killers commonly. I wish I saw the ones you see a little more...
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I feel like all I face recently is Billy and Leatherface on ps4.
Haven’t seen Pig in a while. Same with Doc and Plague. Seriously it kind of ticks me off Plague is the new killer and it’s like she’s been completely forgotten by everyone. I want her buffed and to watch her succeed!
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ugh 🤤 yes please
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@Kiskashi NO WONDER, I'm getting stuck up in Naruto.
Doctor is rare to play against, Adiris is a little rare, a little often, I never ever see Amanda Young (Pig), never any Nurses, love playing against them, easy to run around, Spirit is more so common, Freddy is occasional, Clown is OP though, yet I never see him played, he stops chases instantly.
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@ShrekIsHot Wouldn't that be Kakashi then? :,) It's okay, I'm new, not memorable yet haha
I think it's because people seem to think clown has no map pressure, it's sort of true, I used to play him in a way that I would lob bottles at gens in the distance to see if people were there but that's not really pressure, more surveillance. He may be good at stopping looping and feel fast but I don't think I'd like to play him at high ranks personally...
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No I relate, I was trying to spell your username but it got mixed with Kakashi and Kiskashi, the Clown gets the extra advantage is pulling survivors away from gens and giving spotting, I think he adds great individual pressure, you can stop someone from heading to a certain area by blocking it off with a bottle, Survivors most times won't walk into the gas and fumes, he's great for making survivors split up and saving you time in chase by downing them quickly, gen patrol is super useful, and trust me, not all Survivors are good at high ranks. Even they fall to stupid tactics.
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The last clown i played against was Santa Clown right after the outfit was released. Nurse is so scarce. Don't see Plague much either.