new offers or consumables?

You know, all of you, I would like to know why you could not add new offers or consumables?
why not give x2 points or x3 points for a limited time? example 2/3/4 hours?
maybe even have these offers purchased with micro transactions?
in the world to give the user the possibility to activate x2 / x3 points when he wants?
While maybe not extra points we need something for killers so when they play a secret offering so survivors don't dc because of a mori.
What if they played an offer that for a short time gave a hex effect without a totem.
Ruin 2 minutes
Haunted Grounds 90 seconds
NOED activating at the end of the game for 60s
I do think offerings need to be looked at.
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g fuel consumable to instantly recover from exhaustion when?????
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I disagree, I always play as a killer and I rank low 3/4 if you find a primade, to do 4 out of 4 you have to take a seated shower to kill them all, for me killer should be slightly boosted. not nerf.
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I'd be mad, and not even mad at the same time lol