Updating trapper and wraith mori animations?

Personally I think it would be cool to see the trapper place down a bear trap and stick the survivor's head into it for the mori animation lol

Anyone have any other ideas? Can be regarding any killer, not just trapper and wraith :)


  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
    edited May 2018

    A while back I thought of multiple ways all Killers could use their power as a mori. Let me try and remember them and make up new ideas for new killers... NOTE: Some of these are very graphic
    Also, most of these are not actual suggestions, just brainstorms of how a Killer would mori using their power
    Trapper - As you said, place the trap over their head and slam it shut (repeatedly?)
    Trapper 2 - Open a trap completely, and then shove it deeply into their back. This wouldn't really kill them, but they are NOT getting up from that no matter how hard you rub their butt.
    Wraith - Put the bell right next to the survivor's ears, then ring it repeatedly as hard as he can to burst the eardrums
    Wraith 2 - Blunt force trauma to the head with the bell
    Wraith 3 - While Invisible, beat them up/pick up and strangle/strangle on ground/really anything to kill them
    HillBilly - Keep it the way it is right now
    HillBilly 2 - Cut [any body part] off
    HillBilly 3 - Back up, rev up, cut up
    Nurse - Keep it the way it is right now
    Nurse 2 - Blink into their body, effectively blowing them to bits once she moves
    Huntress - Hers does not use the power, but is SEXY so perhaps keep it?
    Huntress 2 - Super Charge the hatchet and throw it into them
    Huntress 3 - Same premise as her current animation, but using a throwing hatchet to do the cutting instead
    Shape - Secret tier 4 Evil Within triggered by [something lore related to a mori] that allows The Shape to use super human strength and rip their limbs(or just head) right off.*
    Hag - Again, she doesn't use her power, but it is still a great mori worth keeping
    Hag 2 - Force the survivor's jaw open, place a trap inside of their mouth/throat, and teleport into it blowing up the survivor in a rain of guts and blood.
    Cannibal - He already uses his power and it looks great, so keep it?
    Cannibal 2 - Cut a body part(s) off
    Cannibal 3 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre dance into them
    Cannibal 4 - Bubba in the movies is a known cannibal, so perhaps have him cut off a limb and either eat it raw or put it in a bag to take home
    Cannibal 5 - Cut their head off with the chainsaw, then use [chainsaw/hands/pocket knife] to cut their face off and either put it on mid match or put it in a bag to take home
    Doctor - His kill animation uses his power, so it could be kept
    Doctor 2 - Give a prostate exam(check someone's feces for health conditions) using his stick**
    Doctor 3 - If they are near anything metal(metal building, hook, toolbox, flashlight, etc.) then throw them into it and then electrocute the metal object, in turn electrocuting them
    Nightmare - His technically uses the power, but it's #########, soooooo......
    Nightmare 2 - Cockroaches are good for your health :) ***
    Nightmare 3 - Fingergloves kind of count as a power of Freddy Krueger, so use them to make tons of little cuts and bleed them to death
    Nightmare 4 - If in the Killer's shack, reenact this scene from the original Nightmare on Elm Street(1:21 for the kill): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UP1vv0wWp4
    Pig - Just kill them with a reverse bear trap dude.
    Pig 2 - Do the same thing for the trapper kill I suggested, shoving a trap deep into the survivor's back.
    Pig 3 - tbag onto their face and poop, causing them to die from injesting feces/ drowing from piss.

    *Shape's mori was very difficult to come up with. I'm sorry if this one seemed lack luster, but when his power is just to stare at you the only thing could be winning a staring contest and causing the survivor to commit suicide from not being able to beat you.
    **This is just a fun little thing I came up with, and obviously I know it does not involve his power and probably wouldn't kill anyone(unless you push hard enough).
    *** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Vm1VHhTA0 Freddy's Kills where also pretty hard to come up with, aside from something comical like making them sleep forever in a little baby crib.

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    Lmao these are pretty good. I'd be happy with any of these. My favorites are trapper 1, billy 3, doc 2 lol, and nightmare 4. Also loved the shape one... here's a video of Myers actually doing what you said :D

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I'd like one where the Wraith rings the bell near the survivor and pulls the survs into his "realm" not really gore filled or anything but, I just feel like it fits.

  • I wouldnt mind for moris having object animations too. Like if a downed player is near a box, you could place his head against it like as the doctor and use that BATON BOY

  • Venom
    Venom Member Posts: 32

    A lot of your suggestions would require them actually adding gore affects and changing the engine which I honestly think they should but I doubt it because things like that actually cost money. I think it’s stupid that right now that things like the Reverse Bear Trap do nothing to the survivor but splatter blood when they should be ripping your heard apart and moris such as Leatherface’s, where he cuts you in half, still leave you in one piece.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
    As I said in my original comment here, these are just brainstormed ideas and not at all real suggestions
  • lionsou
    lionsou Member Posts: 61

    maybe the doctor could use his thing and shove it up the... ya know....

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
    @lionsou I suggested that too in my large comment. I was more polite and called it a rectal exam rather than dry docking...
  • lionsou
    lionsou Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2018

    oh jesus

    wait thats a good thing

    Oh dooooooooooooctoooooooooor

  • lionsou
    lionsou Member Posts: 61

    also @RagingCalm you must consider that the animation is for a short time and so cannot be longer than 20 - 25 seconds

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @lionsou In my comment, I note at the top that they are not at all suggestions. Just me brainstorming how a killer would kill someone using their power, and also adding funny little things like the rectal exam

  • lionsou
    lionsou Member Posts: 61


  • MacTusk
    MacTusk Member Posts: 7

    The devs are probably worried in fixing the game now, Graphic implementation later.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @MacTusk said:
    The devs are probably worried in fixing the game now, Graphic implementation later.

    There is different teams working on different projects.
    A graphic design team cannot work on "fixing the game".
    Not to mention the game is about 2 years old now. Being at the state of "Fixing the game" should be long gone.

  • MacTusk
    MacTusk Member Posts: 7

    There is different teams working on different projects.
    A graphic design team cannot work on "fixing the game".
    Not to mention the game is about 2 years old now. Being at the state of "Fixing the game" should be long gone.

    Theres a team working on Deathgarden and one working on Dead by daylight from what i know.
    The game can be 2 years old but still glitchy and easy to cheat.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @MacTusk said:

    There is different teams working on different projects.
    A graphic design team cannot work on "fixing the game".
    Not to mention the game is about 2 years old now. Being at the state of "Fixing the game" should be long gone.

    Theres a team working on Deathgarden and one working on Dead by daylight from what i know.
    The game can be 2 years old but still glitchy and easy to cheat.

    And there's different teams within' "teams".
    Do you truly think the designing team, aka the ones doing moris, and survivor animations, are the same than the ones fixing bugs, doing the marketing, and doing the scripts for the game ?

    Actually, there is not that many bugs left in the game, tho the hacks prove to be an issue atm, indeed.
    Tho I don't see the design team working on a solution for an anti-hack.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    About Wraith's mori, why not lifting the survivor from their head with one hand, and with the other banging their body with his weapon like he does with his bell? He is using his power, technically. :P
  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    @PigNRun said:
    About Wraith's mori, why not lifting the survivor from their head with one hand, and with the other banging their body with his weapon like he does with his bell? He is using his power, technically. :P

    Yes. I like this

  • MorimeMyers
    MorimeMyers Member Posts: 6
    I'd love to see a mori for the trapper where the survivor is like on their knees in front of him, and he sets a trap behind them then curb stomps their head into the trap and let it snap shut to kill them. I'd also like to see the wraith where the animation is the same(him grabbing the survivor by the leg and dragging them back), but instead of hacking at them with his weapon he takes his bell and smashes their head into the ground. I seem to have a morbid theme going on here lol. 
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    he should slam their head in a beartrap

  • Rush_b_naked
    Rush_b_naked Member Posts: 49


    Throw you on the ground, arming a trap. Grabbing your neck and throw your face in the trap. RIP


    He is invisible and chokes you with his weapon from behind till your neck brakes. Guess what? right! RIP


    Hit your knees with his hammer, when you crouch and look up, he pushes his chainsaw down your throat.
    RIP x 100

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @Rush_b_naked Listen up kids, don't go around deep throating chainsaws now!

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    @RagingCalm said:
    @Rush_b_naked Listen up kids, don't go around deep throating chainsaws now!

    Lets be honest... Claudette does seem like the type to do that

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    I like the trap on the head, and the bell ringing hard and loud by ears

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    How about we update Trapper in general first?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I've suggested it before and still like it...

    1. Wraith puts a foot on the Survivor
    2. Wraith starts ringing the Wailing Bell
    3. Because of the foot touching the Survivor, the Survivor starts cloaking too
    4. However, they're not altered by the Entity to handle going into the Spirit Realm, like Wraith and Nurse are
    5. Too much pressure builds on them and they simply die after some screaming
    6. Visually, they start getting Lightburn marks on their bodies until they die
  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    That would be pretty cool to see.

    The main problem I have with the Wraith's mori right now is that it doesn't reflect his character in any way. Myers, Nurse, Spirit... they all have very telling animations. Myers brutally overpowers people, Nurse has that tender little touch at the end, Spirit is obviously filled with all kinds of pent-up rage.

    Wraith's mori doesn't really say anything about him.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I agree on this except for the leg pull, that's very telling to me.

    The whole animation should be that, though. 😁