Why do many players choose to die rather than struggle when hooked?

Yohan Member Posts: 172



  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Its the proper way to deal with getting caught 20 seconds after the game starts.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    A few reasons most likely

    1.Could be a bug where it forces them to give up

    2.Don't want to struggle having to spam a button to struggle is very frustrating for some and can tilt some tremendously in a frustrating game.

    3.give hatch

    4.don't let farming teamates get points

    5.knows the game is a loss.

  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83

    I love is the survivors who wait for you to run across the map, only to kill themselves when you get there.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2019

    I personally do it for a few specific reasons

    1. To give the other remaining survivor a shot at the hatch
    2. To get out of a garbage game. And by that I mean something like 2 people disconnecting very early for whatever dumb reason. Sorry but better luck next game to whoever remains and the killer, some matches are just not worth it.
    3. If I'm being camped and every other survivor crouch around the hook instead of doing gens. Sorry, but every second I spend looking at that shitshow I lose braincells and I'm not dealing with that
  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    All of the above but that struggle is probably the main reason for me if no one is clearly coming, when you see everyone ignoring you and on the opposite side of the map and you're slamming the input hoping to be saved, it kills the wrists/hands after a few matches...I know kindred is a thing but seriously I'd rather they just change it to a hold the button down thing. I've had a few matches where it glitches too.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    Mechanical keyboard player here. If its later in the night, I'm not waking up my boyfriend for the few points that spamming space is going to give me. If i can hit it quietly I will but they really needed to come up with something better for struggle than spamming spacebar.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867


  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    If im hooked 1st and see people Urbanly Evading around the map, im killing myself bye have fun im out. Next game.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    It sucks spamming x on a dualshock 4. The majority of the time, i die around 15% just b/c my damn thumb hurts.

    I'd actually prefer some sort of doctor/madness esque qte skill check. You'd still have to earn your last few moments of life, but with less arthritis.

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    If you know you are getting hard camped and or tunneled.

    The game is a loss.

    No one coming to save.

    Farmed by teammates.

    Hate the killer being played.

    Suddenly have to go to the bathroom.

    Phone call.

    Space bar spam.

    Because you cant get banned for it.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809


    • team is fooling around and forget about unhooking me in the 1st stage
    • i got angry in 2nd stage tapping
    • when team comes to save in 2nd stage
    • then I sacrifice in front of their faces -> trolling/rage
  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    It' the same as healing. Both struggling on hook and healing are not time efficient things to do

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    They are lazy. You wouldn't believe the lazy trash in gaming.

    I could ask why do people struggle as the last one left... it happens a lot as well.

  • Dr_Smith_
    Dr_Smith_ Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2019

    Sometimes your teammates make a terrible mistakes and you get cought. So you don't want to play longer with them. Sometimes the killer is campibg you, but you teammates are trying to farm you.

    Some survivors don't want to play against specific killer. Also survivors hate 3 men game.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    sometimes the hatch will appear right where i was hooked. so i lure the other survivor to me, and then let go right before they save me. then they get the hatch

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I almost always struggle. Even if I can't be saved I want the struggle points.

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280

    Because they don't want to kill their spacebars on the obsolete mechanic.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Even if I know I'm dead I almost always struggle to the very end just to be a good team player and give my team as much time as I can. Not everyone is as good of a team player though.

  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247

    Struggling in general is just annoying. Mashing the same button over and over again wears the thumb out, no matter what button Struggle is keybinded to. The plus side is, I found out through trial and error what speed I need to mash the button, so as not to over mash.

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    I'm on PS4 and sometimes my thumb gets tired and I miss a beat, muck up the mashing rhythm or slip off the button. Especially after a few bad games, it starts to hurt my thumb and my nerd pride. Really wish it was HOLD X not to die instead of mash, it wouldn't be as frequent.

  • Yohan
    Yohan Member Posts: 172

    That's exactly the response I'm looking for.

    Thank you!!

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I would be struggling more, if it didnt wear out my spacebar that much. My keyboard is more important to me, than some BPs, or teammates in a game.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    To rob the killer of potential BPs and rank.

    It's a -1 pip if the killer hooks and sacrifices all players with one hook each. Sacrificed all 4 players....not one DC, not enough "action" to grant a 0 pip.