Again you didn't listen to our feedback.



  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Why the slow vault?? Aren't they supposed to be fast and agile for young people 😐

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Keep up the great work:) don't listen to players that give you hate. Your doing a great job:)

  • suffering23
    suffering23 Member Posts: 230

    you stab 1 person and run to the other one, the one you JUST stabbed is already mending, i once punished someone who did this, as soon as i'Ve hit them, i heard the meding sound while i looked for others, and i was so insulted i had to focus her

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    They do it because they have a monopoly. I make alot of money and I was buying dlc killers twice for PC & PS4. I haven't bought anything legion. Didn't buy pig or plague. I really got legion with shards.

    Once a true competitor comes, they'll perish.

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    They won't perish. This game as it is is twitch fodder for easy clicks and views.

    The only competitors around are F13, which is pratically dead. LastYear:TheNightmare which is discord exclusive atm and has a smaller fanbase. Identity Five which is probably more better game overall, but has a smaller fanbase.

    Yeah no, this game is sticking around for a while.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited May 2019

    @Peanits During the PTB I open a thread with questions about the new Legion, how right now other Killers can accomplish the same goals of the Legion better and faster and asked you, if you could elaborate a bit more what the core idea from the devs for the Legion is but you completely ignored it.

    You not even use the Devs I read button.

    Why wasn't it possible to let us in to the discussion about Legions vision and let us the community help you create an amazing and balanced killer for all to enjoy?

    PS: why did you nerf Remember Me instead of buffing Wake Up! ?

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Legion power just need a full rework get rid of deep wounds and make it so he just vaults pallets and windows fast

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    I personally like most things about the new legion, the recharge time doesn't feel that long to me, the vaulting speed isn't great though. I've had a lot more success chaining hits with this legion though

  • cbocbo
    cbocbo Member Posts: 49

    Have you really give legion a chance, beacus legion is not bad, he is acctualy more fun to play as and play aginst. just play him as all the other killer like trapper but nobody step in a trapp.

    Legion is very balance, but if you do strugel use the rusty knife and filty blade, or just the coldown add one that reduce fedigue.

    'For you: yes agine i have played aginst a full swf groups at rank 1-4 that have die to me and not. but i still pip and most part of the time you do still dobble pip, even thoughe you dont get the last guy or 2.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I wouldn't suggest anyone to use the reduce mend time addons, DW is pointless right now.

    The only good addons legion have right now is the ones that reduce fatigue and increase power duration. And when you think about that one can say that "balance" don't fit legion when he only have 2 good addons. Think about that.

    He needs better addons, like a poisoned blade that applies exaustation for example.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    I'm sorry, killers like myself also knew Legion wasn't healthy for the game.

    I'm glad the adjustments went through.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    then you have survivors that dabble with killer on the side when they're bored but still primarily play survivor

    You mean the people who play 50/50 or 30 survivor, 70 killer or do they not exist in your fantasy world @Raizinz You're not helping your argument saying stuff like this.

  • cbocbo
    cbocbo Member Posts: 49

    do you know what the add-ons does?? cleary you dont. nasty blade: slight increes the mending timer, filthy blade: moderntly increes mending time. There are no thext that say reduse the mending on these add once but increes.

    The only add-ons say reduse meding timer is : stab wound timer, frank mix tape

    Decrees the cooldown of fatigue is: cold dirt and joey mix tape ( where can you find it does that is in the patch note, not on the add-ons)

  • TheEdgeGamer
    TheEdgeGamer Member Posts: 26

    They didn't listen to our feedback for Pig so I'm not really surprised they didn't listen to our feedback about Legion. Look current Legion is ok I have no problem with him.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    "How are you doing, my fellow killer mains? Lovely weather. What? Whatcha doing? Some killing? Me too. Must be going now, things to do, like killing. I'm a killer-main."

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234


    Killah Mainz take everything so personal in this game:

    Used a flashlight? TUNNEL!

    Stunned with a pallet? TUNNEL!

    Sabo'd a hook? TUNNEL!

    Didn't 4k? Sign up on the DbD forums and insult the developers, as if their job was so easy!

    Killah Mainz should do what you said - use their time wisely. If that Feng Min is looping you 4 the gods, MOVE ON and attack the OTHER weaker Survivors. Then Killah Mainz cry about the game ending in under 5 minutes cuz they are getting GeN rUsHeD... but then bring Ebony Moris or Pink Myers add-ons and end the game in 5 minutes. It's like, everything they complain about is contradicting. They want their 4k Cake and eat it, too.

    Also, most Survivors are potatoes and casuals. I am a Rank 5 Hag. I legit "play nice" for 2/3 of my games so that way they don't end in DCs or entire sacrifices in 3 minutes. Even when I play Clown, it's about half of my games - I'm letting the Survivors have it easy cuz they suck.

    All you Killah Mainz act like you're Mathieu Cote and going up against Korean players who are on someone's payroll. CHILLAX!