The "new" Legion

Hatuu Member Posts: 29

I guess the Legion update was all in all a good change from an annoying killer to a kinda normal killer.

Still there are two design decisions I dont understand.

Why does a hit without using frenzy trigger 50% of it power? It is only useable when its full, it takes 5 seconds longer to reload and be useable.

The fully recharge time is 20 seconds. So if you, for instance, find a survivor crouching behind a corner and you just swing a fast hit to get him, you get punished for doing so! It's like spirit would lose a bit of her power every hit too. That doenst make any sense at all. If you want to give him a penalty for hittin surviors out of frenzy, do it with other stuff like "Legion needs longer to get back on track after a succesful hit".

Second thing is the higher Fatique. I mean honestly, the nurse can TP the whole friggin map and get a lower fatique with 4 TPs then a running weasel after 1 mile of track? I don't understand this decision either.

And please, make Nurses calling useful by using mending as a healing action (it is a healing action anyways). I mean come on, it looks like they put their guts back in... I love to play legion, he's pretty fun now as I said. Just think about that. Greetings


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    1. Because, I guess?
    2. I think the logic behind the higher stun is higher base movement speed.
  • Hatuu
    Hatuu Member Posts: 29

    As is said, the Nurse can TP 4 tiems to get the same fatique... and she covers a lot more map in this time

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    The cooldown after a normal attack is so that you dont just frenzy sprint behind the injured survivor.... not that it'd be useful because of the fatigue, nut devs gotta make sure survivors are safe and cuddled.

  • Hatuu
    Hatuu Member Posts: 29

    Well the Legion punishment is way over the top.

    You have the normal "missed attack" downtime.

    You have the fatique after frenzy.

    You get punished if you dont hit your attack in frenzy (which is stupid too btw but nvm)

    You get punished by pallets, soaking all you power from frenzy if it hits you.

    Legion feels like gettin punished for everything. I don't say he not okay to play, but it doenst feel right to get punished that much from almost any possible mistake you can make.

    Fatique and the standard "missed attack" downtime should be enough. That much punishment to his power is'nt needed in every given situation. Next step would be that survivors can grab his knife to poke his butt with it and hook him afterwards...

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I feel like Legion should be able to use his power when it's at least 50%. Also make his miss attacks lose only 50% or maybe 25% of his power.