Deliverance & Decisive Strike with the Benevolence emblem

Akiro Member Posts: 23

Points received for Unhooking a Survivor: 20 Points

Delayed by 10 seconds and only awarded if the unhooked Survivor hasn't been downed in that time frame.

Given to the Survivor who performed the Unhook action.

Do I get 20 benevolence points if I use deliverance and stay up for 10 sec?

Points received for Escaping the Killer's Grasp: 30 Points

Do I get 30 benevolence points if I hit DS?


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You get boldness points for ds and altruism for unhooking others. Deliverance I believe has its own scoring event.

    Though that is bloodpoints. Emblem score is a max of 16 points spread across all 4 categories based on the actions you participated in during the course of the game. Bloodpoints don't factor into that, but if you do enough to pip or double pip as a survivor you usually get a decent amount of bloodpoints

  • Akiro
    Akiro Member Posts: 23

    I'm only talking about benevolence emblem points. Not blood points. The quotes I've included in my first post are copied from the wiki under the benevolent emblem.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I would say no as you unhooking yourself really shouldn't fall into the benevolent category.

  • Akiro
    Akiro Member Posts: 23

    Logically it shouldn't, no.

    But then again not everything about pipping is logical, and based on the text it's not clear to me.

    Anyone know for sure?