How's the framerate on console now?

Ive been wanting to give console another go, but I was wondering how the performance is these days.
Performance has definitely gotten better, but it doesn't even compare to PC honestly. It's definitely playable. Maps like Lery's have been fixed up a bit but, again, it's not PC. I'd give it a shot. :)
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It's really good since the last the patch, started to play Nurse because they improved the movement control in general with the last performance update, also my framerate is much better. I heard that some people still have issues but for most it's way better
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The framerate is better give it another shot @AFKstrats The game does have other bugs though.
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I didn't notice any change from the update this week but it was improved a while back from terrible to adequate. Some people seem more impressed though - maybe they are not playing on base PS4 like me
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I play on regular PS4 and it's as smooth as butter.
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PS4 is much improved. It's better than it has ever been for sure.
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Performance on PS4 has greatly improved in the last few patches.
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The frame rate on PS4 is amazing right now! The graphics have been turned up to 1080p as well! By far the best update for optimization in a while. :)