Bodyblocking on the farm

Unsure where to post as its not a technical issue nor a bug on a tpb so I guess feel free to move this where ever, mods.
So apparently you can just bodyblock here as killer.. And assuming your dipshit survivor friends opened a door, You kinda cant do anything about it. Seems it might be time to open this area up a bit, Removing the railing or a bit of the wall or something.
Yeah that's messed up and they have just changed the basement collision to make sure survivors can't be held hostage during the EGC. I wonder since they changed the collisions on the characters to fix the basement, if a killer can still body block there. It's pretty sad that players are searching out these exploits to hold survivors hostage. Everything's so killer sided I'm very surprised she didn't have any kills, it must have been a swf.
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Aw, I wanted to see the animation happen at the same time on two survivors :/
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The fact that she had no kills and decided to do this shows her skills level already. Shouldn't be surprised she would pull a scummy move like that.
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Well its a nurse with no kills so... I can already assume why shes doing that considering she can't blink if her life depended on it.
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Just me and the dwight yeah, Other two where as far as I can tell both solo.
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Oh no. Two whole minutes of being caught in a corner..
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Maybe they should of asked to get hit for an additional 50% making it a whole 5 MiNuTEs!
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If the Nurse hits either survivor, both escape. If the Nurse keeps standing there, both die.
Is it annoying for the survivors? Yes.
Is it the best tactical decision for the killer? Also yes.
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Also macmillan map they can bodyblock they need to fix those 2 maps for not doing bodyblock
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They removed Basement collision.
So naturally, Killers adapt and find other means.
Also: "Dipshit Survivor friends"
Uhmm, if they didn't open the door, they would've been stuck there until either party loses patience and disconnects.
Frankly, the Survivors triggering EGC is the solution to not waste either party's time.
Post edited by Boss on9 -
The only time that having a huge ass box as a killer is useful for something. Survivors benefit from smaller boxes all the time in loops and sometimes in places where survivors can pass and killer don't.
So i would say well thought Nurse. She got 2 💀💀
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She's obviously not that good, but she figured out a way to get 2 kills. Kinda scummy but effective nonetheless.
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I dont think that there is any place were a Survivor can get through but a Killer dont. There are some spots where it looks like a Survivor would fit in, but the Survivor gets fatshamed as well.
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It was indeed sometimes a problem on some maps (usualy involving rocks and/or trees), but a problem that's in the past. But see, if one barely has any facts to present, then you can always pull out old problems and act as if they are still an issue and use them as pseudo-facts to strenghten an already shaky point.
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Thank you for the information, I will make sure to body block there if the basement spawns down there. You were very helpfull
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THe game still has plenty of fatshame areas, but they cycle depending on lay out.
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Yet survivors can bodyblock to prevent hooks, prevent downs, and ENSURE escapes! Man shut up and git gud. You had SWF. Should've coordinated better!
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Nooo! Don't make me wait four minutes to get punished for my mistakes! Anything but that!
Git. Gud. Whiney. Survivors.
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Exactly, YOU HAD SWF!
omg ....
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@KaoMinerva And they are all active actions that involve actually interacting with the game and other players. a player just standing in a spot essentially afk and getting rewarded for it is silly and not something that should be encouraged in any way no matter how dangerous the basement is supposed to be. honestly doesn't matter if it's for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 20 minutes or 40 hours - it's quite simply not gameplay at all.
Pretty clear the devs agree anyway considering they widened the basement stairs to prevent the most obvious application of this strat. The spot in the video is easily fixable anyway by just removing the railing by the staircase.
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Here is my question: why were two survivors hanging out or running into that area with no escape to get in that situation to begin with? Seems like really bad planning on their part to me.
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The responses on this thread thinking its ok are what is wrong with this community.
If you tag @Peanits it makes sure it doesn't get lost between the whining posts.
I'm sure the spot will be fixed soon enough.
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I'm a killer main and this is 100% not okay. Another example of poor map design by BHVR.
I can't believe how many vote downs you got for this post as well as the comments defending the behaviour when this is legit abusing the game and is no fun for either side. Just goes to show the mindset of the dbd community.
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Good question is why were they both there from the start?
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Basement rescue.
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Ah I missed seeing the basement there. I main killer and that does suck I will say but as mentioned above, easy fix.
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Basement rescue.
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@BoredByDaylight Don't.
Also how did the match went. Did the killer down any people before Endgame?
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Your english is terrible. There is no excuse for this behaviour in the game. If you can't sacrifice a single player by the time EGC starts you should accept the defeat instead of resulting in cheating.
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@BoredByDaylight ... How is that cheating exactly? Is survivor bodycblocking a killer from hooking cheating now?
Also sorry for my english but you didn't answer my quetion too.
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Pretty much just had the Dwight with the red trousers who was trapped looping her most of the game.. Guessing they dont play nurse too often because they were not exactly amazing (We both around rank 5).
He got hooked near the end and didnt get saved til struggle, But with Adrenaline we thought he would be fine considering the doors spanwed either side of the house.. Alas she kinda just stood there and got two free kills tho.
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Welp, can provide you with that, However wont be from this game, Will be from one we had a farming wraith in.
Now to just try to get two more friends together and do the same thing in the basement, But one in each of the four corners of the middle hook platform :')
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Body blocking a hook take a them off gens and means they have to heal up also taking them off gens, those who don't he can't keep body blocking that is why it's allowed and there are two perks, one promotes is the other works against it.
The basement was recently changed to solve this exact problem so it's an oversight it seems as it's not what the devs obviously want to happen.
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the basement was changed because whiny survivor streamers would have complained, and they're the target for all balance changes now
everything is done to please whiny survivor streamers and i'm getting sick of it
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@smappdooda Someone got hooked in the basement, someone came over to save, and the nurse knew where to block to make sure they couldn't get out. Isn't rocket science.
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And why was the egc implemented in the first place? It certainly wasn't for survivors benefit.
The basement change was logical you can't force people out the match and allow them to be blocked for easy kills, if you can't see that then that says all anyone needs to know.
It's a game, if your sick of it move on, you are obviously not having fun.
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Yes, it is! The game wasn't made with the intention to body block. I find it hilarious people think it's part of the game, kind of sad really.
I love all the vote downs i'm getting, really demonstrates the mindset of the children who play this game.
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Be careful, apparently if you explain this to people you got a ton of vote downs in this thread...
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@BoredByDaylight survivors body blocking the hook AKA taking a hit for a survivor in the killers grasp is actually encouraged, it grants emblem bonus and we’re gonna live forever stacks.
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A survivor taking a hit to protect a killer and body blocking a hook are 2 different things. When we're talking about survivors body blocking a hook i'm referencing the 2 or 3 survivors who sit in front of the hook preventing the killer from hooking the opponent.
There are already so many counter plays to prevent being hooked - DS, Sabotage, Hook Distance Add Ons etc.. - body blocking shouldn't be one of them.
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But it is and it is encouraged.
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Clever use of game mechanic...
+1 Nurse
-10 loser swf squad.
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Body blocking isn't cheating. It isn't reportable. Check the rules. Holding the game hostage is against the rules and while they had no means to escape, you can just swing to get to the hook or get loose.
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I cannot believe that some people are protecting this. Lmao.
"Oh, it's the best skillful and tactical use of a *MECHANIC* by the Nurse, I don't know what you're complaining about."
Yes, it's very skillful and tactical to stand in the middle and go watch videos of cats on YT until they die. The Nurse single-handedly removed 2 Survivors from the game because of this. And what could the Survivors do? That's right, nothing.
"Oh, but bodyblocking the hook is allowed? You trash survivor main."
Bodyblocking the hook is something completely different. Not only can that be countered (Mad Grit, Iron Grasp, Agitation), you also get rewarded for it aswell. You get free 1 hit (sometimes 2) on Survivors. Not to mention that nowadays hooks spawn quite close together.
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So you admit the game is survivor biased?
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Where did I say that?
The only bias for a side showing here is in your post.