People still dc againts Legion
I was very lucky today that I played Legion and did not get DC-ed on. My guess is because they saw I was easy to outwit, given that I'm a survivor main and have 0 clue how to play killer properly.
But the evidence stands: for a person who plays killer on the rare occasion, Legion just isn't fun or viable to play anymore (unless you have great add-ons, then it's passable). I miss the first hit, get looped endlessly, and when my Frenzy gauge refills, I miss the hit again - taking me back to M1. Huntress was much easier to play, and today was my first time playing her (vs 4th time for Legion).
Maybe you'll want to say "n00b, stop playign, go #########", but if we want people to keep playing the game, you gotta leave room for people to learn how to play the game/character. Constantly beating down on one character and nerfing it to the depths of the Entity's realm isn't going to help anyone play it. Might as well up Legion's playing difficulty to Hard instead of Intermediate, since so much strategy has to go into playing them now.
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Rank 1 Trapper with a Bloodpoint gain build. I have skill.
Also not all killers do that, and half decent killers (which clearly you are too blind to see) do not lobby dodge (unless they have something to do/ping)
The decent killers here have stated numerous times they do not condone camping/tunneling unless necessary.
Both sides need to take a chill pill, and you aren't helping by being a [Bad Word]
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How would dedicated servers change anything about that? DC is DC. If they implement a punishment, they could also implement it now. Could you enlighten me?
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How to contradict yourself in one sentence lol. Btw it's not like BT or DS don't exist while something like that happens. You team can also tank hits.. and i know that it suck to be tunneled to hell but DC shoudn't be allowed so freely like it is right now.. if you are going to be killed endure it like a killer have to endure survivors that escape the trial.
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I got 3 DC's instantly as Freddy, long story, explained it a lot.
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Finally someone understand new Legion.. While he needed some fixes like we all are agree he got other questionable changes that really didn't have place, like:
Removing bloodpools in FF, a DW effect that don't mean anything at all, you can repair and do whatever you want if legion is around with his terror radius, this change is ridiculous at so many lvls.. At least DW should prevent survivor from repairing gens and force them to mend for those few seconds.
And im sure that some more QoL changes can be done to Legion and this is the only we are asking. We don't want a broken killer we want a viable and decent killer that have a power that mean something again. Because the truth is that hes weak an very loopeable without any real upside.
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This dcs just today after the rank reset... it's getting ridiculous.