La Mama's perks

TAG Member Posts: 12,871

Made perks for a joke Killer based on an angry Hispanic mother (think the mother from the "Hispanic Halloween" videos on Youtube). No idea if they are balanced or not, as I was mostly making these for the lulz, but figured I'd post them here anyways.

"La Mama's personal perks, Limpie Los Pisos!, No Me Traes Tus Amigos!, and Hex: Yo Te Dije! punish Ernesto for tracking dirt all over the floor, bringing friends over, or, heaven forbid, breaking her favorite lamp."

1) "Limpie Los Pisos!" - Ernesto can never hide a mess from you, no matter how small. You become obsessed with one Survivor. When the Injured Obsession bleeds for 40/35/30 seconds while not in a chase, their Blood Stains are highlighted with a white Aura for 3/4/5 seconds, and the Obsession's aura is revealed for 10 seconds. The Obsession's aura can only be revealed this way once every 40/35/30 seconds.

"No quiero marranos aqui!"

2) "No Me Traes Tus Amigos!" - You've had it with Ernesto bringing over friends without permission. You become obsessed with one Survivor. The Obsession's Action Speed is decreased by 15%/20%/25% at the start of the trial. Each time a Survivor that isn't the Obsession is Sacrificed, the Obsession receives a 25% Bonus to Action Speed. When the Obsession is the last Survivor in the Trial, the Obsession can instantly repair any Generator they interact with and open any Exit Gate once they are powered.

"No jueges con tus amigos! Tienes que arreglar la casa!"

3) "Hex: Yo Te Dije!" - Someone broke your lamp, and Ernesto will pay. After 2/1/0 Generators are completed, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the map, it will become trapped. When a Survivor interacts with the trapped Hex totem, it is immediately cleansed and the following effects become active until either the Obsession is hooked or the Exit Gates are powered:

-If there is no Obsession in the Trial or the Obsession has already left the Trial, you become obsessed with the Survivor who cleansed the Totem.

-The Obsession suffers from the Exposed status effect.

-After another Survivor is Hooked, the Obsession's Aura is revealed to you.

-When the Obsession is the last Survivor in the trial, you can kill the Obsession.

The trapped Hex Totem becomes a Dull Totem when the Exit Gates are powered.