Pirate killer coming this year right?

Can I expect a pirate killer in September right devs?

pretty please?


  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Sounds like - how to always have 0k and tbagging in gates.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Heavy Smoker Nurse will have 4k more likely than this...

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Honestly we could get a ghost pirate. Maybe a zombie pirate captain might work better.

  • ghostkiller666
    ghostkiller666 Member Posts: 85

    pirate could have a parrot (as special hability) to use against a survivor that for a time period would constantly warn the killer about the survivor location. like Those ravens when u get afk for a long time