Sounds Hotfix coming

SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

The other day @Peanits offhandedly mentioned it in another thread. The Thread was discussing a hotfix for The Pig. And he had this to say. (sorry the new forums suck and i don't know how to move quotes between threads now)

"A hotfix is typically for bug fixes, not for balance changes. We're currently aiming to get a hotfix out next week but there will be no pig changes in that update. We're going to keep an eye on the pig and see if we need to make some changes before we make an decisions."

This can be alluding to the vanilla play event, but that's not a hotfix, that's an event. So I think we are getting some sound fixes, FINALLY!

I wonder if they might give us a little bit of a preview on what's getting fixed? I know it's odd. But I'm actually more hyped about a HOTFIX then i am about a new chapter. (they didn't even hotfix the legion mending bug, they banned people. Which tells us they don't have the manpower to hotfix things often. So that means they pulled people to work on this. )


  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @SmokePotion I think that you are reading a little to much into that quote. In the dev stream they did talk about the sound issues, and the dev post discussed how complicated their management of sounds has become. With all of that being said, it is going to take a minimum of 1 month to fix the issues, and that’s after they fix their management of the processes. To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t expect any significant fixes until the dedicated servers go live.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I also really want that hotfix for blood points on finishing a gen. I keep forgetting to let go early and getting nothing. It is quite an annoying bug.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    Whut? Sound fixes? For killers? *le gasp*