Hillbilly's phantom chainsaws

Hey people,

I think i'm not the only person that has experienced those phantom or what you guys called ghost chainsaws with billy. When you clearly hit the survivor with your chainsaw but nothing happens. I'm playing this game for a long time and hillbilly is one of my main killers but it's getting realy annoying especialy when you get this bug at the exit gate or somwhere else that can cost you the game. Anyway i hope they will ever fix it. Btw i still love this game.


  • Sergei_K
    Sergei_K Member Posts: 43

    Yea, that's happens a lot.

    BHVR: Dedicated servers will fix that, we hope. Btw we hope you like how we buffed Legion. And Nurse is fine, even with three blinks. What did you say, every second game on red rank is with Nurse?! Hey look new skins incoming!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah, these are annoying.

    on the other side, billy also sometimes gets hits where you ask yourself "how in the world could that hit them??" (happened to me where billy just sawed down a wall and a survivor around the corner fell to the ground xD)

    they need to address this bug imo

  • Aiden0715
    Aiden0715 Member Posts: 24

    Yeah its very annoying it happens way too often as well im a billy main and want to DC when it happens fml