Win streak reward system idea (ruined previous one)

invira_zero Member Posts: 229
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

I was thinking about any possibke win streak rewards for both killer a survivor sides. There is my thoughts.

Survivor side:

  • For every escape in a row, that counts 2+ escapes, you gain 5% BP bonus for each performed escape. BPs ll be gained aftermatch. Dying during the match will drop off the current streak, but you still will be able to get BP bonus after current match.


  • You hit the 3 escape streak, your current bonus is 10%BP aftermatch. If you ll die during the next match, you still ll get 10% bonus, but streak will drop off.

Killer side:

  • For every 4 kill match in a row, you ll gain additional 20% BP bonus aftermatch. Having a match with less than 4 kills will drop the streak. You ll still get additional points after failed match. (DC = kill)

Why i set those percentage.

  • As a survivor, thats a lot easier to get an escape series, so i thought that a 5% bonus will be fair.
  • As for the killer, its a way harder to get the 4 kill match, so the percents are higher too.

DC issue.

  • Any type of DC from match = streak drop. For both sides.
  • For survivors - killer DC counts as escape.

So, thats my thoughts. Point out innacuracies, present your ideas and etc.


Not gaining a pip doesnt mean losing a streak.

Thx @ReikoMori for pointing that out.

Post edited by invira_zero on


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658
    edited May 2019

    Players already feel entitled enough for 4Ks/Surviving. That should not increase tbh.

    Dont want to read any flames from Killers when a Survivor ended their Streak or Survivors when a Killer sacrified them so that their streak ended.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2019

    I actually like it. It would give some extra incentive not to DC. Plus just some nice challenge to see how long you can go.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    As the others have said the fact that this game only has a rank mode and yet it IS NOT balanced to be competitive it would only increase toxicity in players to implement such a system. I really don't know why rank exists.

    (And for people that want to say "rank matters/doesn't matter" you can still have a skill based matchmaking system without huge emblems on screen and after game progress being shoved in your face)

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    imho, even if this ll increase toxicity, it still remains as a good reason for the best outplay.

    And about rank mode, yeah its not quite balanced atm.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    again, imho, BP reward is not too high, to give much impact. And hitting a streak is quite chalenging, if you ask me.

    And, probably due my bad english, you couldnt get me right.

    I was telling not about perma bonus, but about streak - limited bonus

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    This system is flawed as the game doesn't even calculate wins and losses by the metrics you want to lose. You can 4k and still depip which means you've actually lost the game. You can have a very easy time escaping and still black pip or depip. In both cases the survivor doesn't actually win by the game's internal metrics for success i.e. Victory Cube.

    In order for this idea to be useful you'd need to apply an overhaul to the scoring emblems and instituted a system of Win and Lose calculations that made sense for the game. Also it would be unwise to make a system that was 4k dependent for killer and then single consecutive escape dependent for survivor. Those events don't score the same and don't necessarily help to determine what a win actually is.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    oh, i forgot. Just, i was rewriting the whole post, due internet shutout.

    I could mention this before.

    Not claiming a pip - doesnt mean lose. Ill edit the post in few seconds