Some folks take this game too seriously...

Hey! I'm back it's been awhile y'all been away from DBD cause well... got stale lot of the maps look a like and don't really set themselves apart etc etc... but yeah now I'm back and well I played a few games messed around and I got hatemail off the bat as killer which tbh I don't care about but I'd like to state and it's weird that even to this day some folks really take this game too seriously don't they?
Had a guy go on about how I cheated and I wouldn't last a second against rank 1 survivors which awhile back I use to be rank 1 with Pig and Nurse. Now I don't mean to insult anyone this is my opinion but this game... doesn't have a high demand on "skill" Hell it doesn't really take any if at all for both parties but again this is my opinion and well as the topic states a few folks take this game too seriously and care way too much about their rank which leads me to question "why do we even have it?" especially now... given how broken the pip system is...
So what's your thoughts and well again I'm not attacking just yeah...
Eh, try not to worry about it. Seriously, this is just a game, it took me a few months myself to realize this.
Granted... I don't really get angry at the game, I get angry at the players who also play the game. I think that's why people get angry, cause they can't stand the thought another person could outwit them.
1 -
Because they have to be the best of the best.
0 -
Only thing I take seriously are rude/toxic players that grief, sandbag and otherwise being a douchebag to others. Lag switching and horrid Internet does grind my gears a fair bit tho.
I'm my worst enemy tho when it comes to when I make mistakes, get outplayed etc rather than taking it out on another when it obviously was me, not them