Best perk builds on spirit?

What's the best build for spirit, I want to include ruin and BBQ , so looking for 2 other good perks, I could use spirit fury and enduring but i'm not sure what's best, thanks.
Ruin, BBQ, Sloppy Butcher (every spirit uses this), and either enduring, Brutal Strength, or you can be wild and use Remember me.
Even wilder is to use Nurses Calling as the last one.
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MYC, Stridor, Surveillance.
MYC is good for slowing down the game or getting an edge in chases. Either you chase a guy that's 1 shot and end the chase faster, or they play super cautious/immersed and don't rush gens. Since you are Spirit you already are great in a chase, and are already spooky enough to trigger immersion, so this just amplifies that.
Stridor because it hard counters Iron Will, which itself hard counters phase walk. If you run Stridor and practice with it NO ONE will ever be able to get away from your phase walk. It's literally impossible... unless you are crazy like me and do NM + IW (which is the only thing that beats Stridor, and yes I've done it before to a Spirit with Stridor, only died because I committed to a gen for points).
Surveillance is AMAZING on the Spirit. Even more if you use Prayer Beads. If you understand how to use her TR to avoid making the wooshy sound you can get lots of grabs, or at the very least free hits. Most survivors will avoid gens once they realize you have Surveillance, so just keep kicking gens and reacting to them working on it. Eventually they give up and look for another gen which wastes a lot of time.
I've also been experimenting with Lightborn. I find that sometimes when you do that "stand still at a pallet" mind game, the smart survivors with a flashlight will blind you. They do this for 2 reasons; 1) because if they blind you can't phase walk, and 2) because if they do it and don't get a blind it means you are phase walking. Lightborn makes it so that you can sponge the flashlight, start phase walking, and get the hit because they will see the beam shrink at first making them think you aren't phase walking. LB is basically a counter to the FL counter tactic.
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IMO Sloppy Butcher is worthless at high levels. Survivors run Adren and just gen rush while injured, so you get nothing out of SB. It combos well with Nurse's, especially on Spirit, but once you get to a certain rank this won't work anymore because survivors just don't heal all game.
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Most used combo I see Spirits are running is BBQ, Ruin, Sloppy and Nurses.
Some people prefer Enduring and Spirit Fury instead of Sloppy and Nurses.
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Im playing on red ranks. And with BBq and Ruin i run mad grit and agitation. Why? Because noone excepts it. And the main reason is, that survs are always trying to flashlight save. When then fail, i can easy hit them with agitation, they run away or they are trying bait out another hit by using dead hard, again i wait till they use dead hard and i hit them again and down them, also when i have agitation, im trying to force survivors to block the hook. Im getting 1-2 free hits and they won't wiggle free anyway because of Mad Grit. Some games it's uselles but i don't mind it because most games it's amazing. Other perks on spirit, i can recommend you is pop goes the weasel, discordance, and that's really it. For me nurses calling is uselles because nc activates maybe once per game if not at all. I also don't recommend stridor because of when you phase walk, injured survivors are too loud, and you can't locate them perfectly because of that. If some uses iron will, Im good enough to hear the footsteps. And smack then anyway. You can run noed if you don't feel confident enough. But if you will be better spirit, you won't need it anymore.
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I typically run Gen aura perks, Ruin, and Distressing.
So, Surveillance, Discordance, Ruin, Distressing is my typical build.
Since you cant see survivors using the power, the first 2 let you know roughly where they are 99% of the time. Ruin is ruin. I use distressing because survivors can't hear you phase if they're in your TR. The bigger the TR, the less chance they hear you.
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Bbq, ruin, distressing, thrill the hunt
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I like Ruin, BBQ, Haunted Ground (or Devour Hope), Nurse's Calling. If I get even 1 or 2 downs out of Haunted Ground, that is more than you will get out of Sloppy in an entire match.
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In my experience the best and most powerful build I have ever used is "The Snatcher" build. While heavily add-on reliant, this build has never failed me... at least before the DC epidemic, so either be prepared to get lots of DC's or save this until the Dedicated servers and Disciplinary committee are out before using it.
BBQ&C/Ruin, Pop Goes the Weasel, Overcharge, Discordance/Surveillance
Pair with add-on's: Mother-Daughter Ring/Dirty Uwabaki, Prayer Beads Bracelet
This build takes some practice to use effectively (so use the Dirty Uwabaki until you have it down), but the concept is simple: Snatch survivors off of gens, hook em, punish the gen with PGTW and Overcharge. Once you get good at this build you'll find that Ruin isn't even necessary for it to work effectively, and start substituting in BBQ&C. The add-on's allow you to move up to 56m quickly and catch survivors off guard. Approaching a gen that's being worked on or you suspect is being worked on? Phase and snatch a survivor from it, then easy hook and punish the gen! In a chase but notice someone is doing a gen nearby? Break chase by phasing and snatch that dude/dudette on the gen for an easy hook/gen punish! Hear/see someone fail an overcharge skillcheck? Phase to the gen and snatch! etc.
Honestly IMO this is the dirtiest and most powerful build for the Spirit that makes her power severely menacing to survivors, and almost always nets you a 4k. Unfortunately it's extremely reliant on the add-on's, especially Prayer Beads, so stock up as much as you can beforehand. While Surveillance is great I find that Discordance is more useful in the early game as it often nets you an early snatch. PGTW and Overcharge also drop a gens progress by a whopping 40% if they fail the Overcharge skillcheck, and that is very likely since the only tactic that works against this build is to gen tap, so you honestly can't go wrong there.
Spirit is all about the mind games when chasing and using normal pursuit perks like Enduring, Spirit Fury, Brutal strength and Bamboozle, are unnecessary for her. Use her power to its best advantages with perks and add-on's that help it, and you literally can't do wrong. This build is fun, makes survivors paranoid of doing gens, and probably is the most OP build in the game. Give it a try and have fun playing Spirit!