Getting msgs from angry players

Havent played long but I started playing as a killer. Wasnt doing good so I decided Im gonna get atleast one so I stayed around where I hooked them...apparently im not suppose to play that answer is...dont get caught...


  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    I only message other survivors when they really play selfishly, like hook farm or just sheer abandonment on hook. Dying on 1st Hook is not nice, esp when killer not camping.

    I do try and be constructive with my messages even when I am angry

  • Banshee
    Banshee Member Posts: 31

    Leave the lobby after the game's done, no reason to hear toxic survivors complain. You'll learn to play killer in the most optimal way eventually :D

    Watch some YT, and get an idea of how to earn the most BP in a game.

  • Grungels
    Grungels Member Posts: 3

    Im hearing terms like tunneling...what does that mean?

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Grungels When you focus on just one survivor after hook.

    Otherwise known as doing your objective.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    Don't worry about it.. people get salty... that is the nature of this beast we call DBD and the internet.

    Play by your rules... play and learn... you'll get better.

    People shouldn't be messaging others after matches even if they try to be constructive and friendly about it... They pretend to be nice while they waggle their finger at you... Tell them all to get bent and ignore them.

    If you want to learn and get better, look up Youtube videos.. and watch some streamers. Don't listen to asshats who message you afterwards.