Legion is OP or Weak???

Azurath Member Posts: 6

I've been getting horribly confused lately. I love to play the legion, enjoy the play style and feel of it. Anywhere you go to look online, most sources agree that legion is one of the worst characters in DBD. I refuse to believe this however and see the strong points in the character. In playing many of my games, (mainly if i have done good), i get a lot of negative feedback saying how the character is broken to play against and requires no skill involved towards it. The views just don't add up here so i'm not sure how the world truly sees this character ranks. My playstyle involving this character at the moment is based much on using the advantages of holding a survivor. Keep in mind, i like this play style since i thought it up and I have got to 12 this season so far of maining him/her. I run Iron Maiden, (which might change but the notification of survivors exiting a locker is nice), Iron Clasp to increase my hold time with a survivor and the strafing effects, Agilitation to increase movement speed, and Mad Grit to allow to quick injuries/downs and increase the delay of wiggle. The playstyle is turning out to be very effective which prevents rescues and catches players off guard when i get aggressive while holding a teamate. Until it doesn't work, I will keep using it. f anyone can respond to this with information of how the Legion is truly ranked vs. comptitors, whether not it takes some skill to play, and whether my playstyle/loudout seems to be either a bad/good idea. (Honest feedback please, keep this civilized)


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Legion is really good now, he just needs a lot more skill and awareness to use properly. You can't use him as a tunneler and expect to win. Instead you gotta focus on spreading out damage regularly to draw things out as best as you can. You also need to learn what loops he can and can't handle. Frankly I have a lot of fun with him and he has a lot of interesting builds he can use. Most of the folks saying he got gutted and that he's weak just can't figure out how to use his power properly.

  • Azurath
    Azurath Member Posts: 6

    Exactly the point I'm trying to prove. You have to give the killer proper play time before making a judgement which frankly, lots of people gave up on him/her way to fast

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433
    edited May 2019

    He's just incredibly unfun to play against because his built-in wallhack has no real counterplay.

  • Azurath
    Azurath Member Posts: 6

    While it comes in handy to quickly assess other survivor locations, you have no way of downing people while it's active. Once you do apply the buff to them, the pings no longer show up and you can't track scratches or blood while it's active. The point of the character is supposed to discourage teamplay and legion accomplishes it. What I mainly use the power for us to chain in trying to keep survivors in the injured state. Nurses calling might be a good substitute for Iron Maiden to counter self care users since it's a pretty common perk. That way it's difficult for survivors to get out of the injured state and be vulnerable to my style of surprise aggression, and I can down them while carrying the survivor to the hook and hooking them last second. Flashlight users beware, its easy to counter flashlight with the build and play style

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433

    I'm not calling him OP, I'm just saying it's particularly unfun to play against. I think Legion is simply a poorly designed killer who isn't fun to play as OR against.

  • Azurath
    Azurath Member Posts: 6

    Not everyone likes Legion like that and it's respectable, we all have favorites and nuisances of the people to choose from. I find him/her very fun to play as and that MY opinion, I don't speak for everyone

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I'm sick of people saying Legion "takes skill now". Legion is not a high skill cap killer. He's about as low skill as the game has to offer frankly. You basic attack. The end. His ability can be summarized as "run a little faster for a few seconds and then basic attack, but you can't use this attack against the same survivor twice." How is that skill?

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    The skill comes in knowing when to break off for someone else or when to focus down one person, when and what do commit to, and how to leverage that extended healing time further in your favor. You need to know when to use and when to end their ability. If you think their ability is just to get a quick first hit in then you're using Legion drastically wrong. It's not that he's low skill, it's that you don't have the skill he needs.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    He's just like average mid tier and mid tier in this game isn't somewhere you want to be.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    They're not op that i can guarantee. Some of their add-ons aren't good. Let me say it this way: If survivor allow you to multi-hit them he's good. Other than that you are a 115% killer that can mindgame or other stuff

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Not OP, not weak, they are also not balanced either, vault speed sucks, same with the power in general, but boy can you pwn survivors with them easily

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    I wouldn't say weak, but i would say shes a mid-tier killer at best. The frenzy is only good for getting that first hit in since DW has no real consequence unless survivors make it so (or if you bring the pins which nobody particullary cares for) and w+m1 your target into submission, works pretty well with Dying light.

    As for your perks of choice, i'd say its. Alright. Not that great, and not that bad but can be situational though i do recommend trying that combo of perks on a different killer see how it works out for you, have tried that on trapper and it works suprisingly well. Maybe switch out one perk for lightborn, or an exposed perk.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716
    edited May 2019

    Ok so here's my personal opinion even though some people think it still doesn't matter.

    Legion is kind of stuck in between the words Overpowered & Weak, why?

    Because, he's not technically bad but he lacks what some killers (Nurse, Spirit & Billy) do better like ending chases instantly.

    Legion is a different killer with a different play style not normal to a regular M1 killer.

    In my opinion Legion is way better then Wraith, LF, Doc, Trapper & Pig.

    (Not really trying to go into full detail on how he's better... I'm literally typing on a phone right now)

    So really the problem comes from people not liking his power still. I think it's fine.

    People complain about how slow he vaults. I don't think people understand the reason they did that was to actually prevent survivors from doing a U turn on Legion after he vaults.

    So his Frenzy..... People don't like it because it doesn't down survivors.

    Frenzy is a time waster power when combined with good perks.

    So far I've been seeing good Legion players getting 3k or 4k's every game.

    Perks I've seen used were M&A, Thanathpobia, Ruin & Nurse's.

    Slowing down gen productivity and if they're willing to waste time healing, Nurse's will help find them and M&A will get you close before they know.


    Everyone that reads this: It doesn't matter, what you're saying is irrelevant hrpty durp durp blabbdy blah blah doink!

    What a great game with a split community that makes the game worse (with a few bugs.)

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    He is neither.