Vanilla Test Experiment PTB Is Bugged

This error code appears at the main menu, others on reddit are experiencing it as-well.
RIP Experiment.
I think the experiment was to see how people reacted to not getting to play for a few hours until they could fix it.
This is part of the disaster recovery testing of the dedicated servers.
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lol, that was good XD
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That did make me laugh. I'm hoping they do get it fixed soon though, and I'm glad it's not just me because I was getting worried.
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Pretty sure it's for everyone, I'm having problems getting into as well.
Is that ultrawide? ;)
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So far everyone seems to be having the EAC issue. I'm just grateful for the community actually posting about it, as I spent the last hour trying to work around it thinking it was on my end. :P
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Yes but it isn't worth using on DBD, the game actually zooms in and shows you less of the screen for balance sake. LOL
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FYI y'all, saw another thread with someone who said they contacted support and this is being worked on. :P
No ETA as far as I know.
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yea I know I have 21:9 too lol, atleast an option for black bars would be helpful lmao
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Still not working for me. Will check in every hour
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Yup isn't working for me either. I guess this entire thing was a complete disaster with the Date getting screwed up, the time getting screwed up, and now this entire build not even letting us play.
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Im sure that is because they havent let my participate in it.. Just send me an invite and all problems will get solved :)
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I tried to do a couple fixes to see if I could get it working and now my code isn't even letting me get into the experiment anymore.
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I think they turned off the code on purpose so people don't spend any more time on it.
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Looks like they took the ptb down, I can't access it either.
EDIT: Just got an email that it has been postponed but we will remain in the list for the next test.
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This is what i got in an email from their support:
Dear participant,
The issue causing the EAC cannot be instantiated error cannot be resolved today despite our best efforts. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and we will notify you of our new Experiment date shortly.
Unless you wish to retract, you will stay on our participant list for our next Vanilla Experiment. Note that our test version is now unavailable to the public.
Thank you for your patience
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The best part about this whole debacle is I bet when the next test date comes up, matchmaking will be impossible as half the people won't retract but also won't show up. :/
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Yeah that's likely.
They'll probably take the ones that don't show up out of their future pool of testers. Likely going to be bumpy for the first 5 or so experiment / data gathering sessions.
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After this one I wonder if they even would want to try another experiment from how much they screwed up.
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They will. They hired data analysts to do this type of work. It's someones job. A lot to learn.