Griefing related bans

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

I was playing a match against nurse, long story short, we got rekt, me and other Meg were left alone while others died, the nurse downed me but didnt wanna kill me, she nodded at me and dropped me few times so i'm free and wanted to farm.

But the other meg was nowhere around, we were looking for her for good 15 minutes (not even joking). We finally found her, both annoyed that we were looking for her for so long while she was hiding not doing anything. she kept running away and knew that the nurse was being friendly so i helped the nurse catch her by blocking her at a pallet. When she got downed and hooked i spammed unhook animation on her 4-5 times but then left the hook, i was pissed cause she was annoying as hell.

I know this is considered griefing and i just wanted to get a reply on this, possibly by devs themselves, can i get banned for what i did? And for how long?

I know what i did was rude and dumb but you gotta understand, im sorry.

That meg made the game last more than half an hour. we were both annoyed by her.

I've spent way too much money on this game and lots of time grinding and leveling up my characters for it to go to waste. And I have spent way too much money on steam levels and would NOT like to get the red message on my profile saying "1 game ban on record".

I apologize and would like to get a reply on this by the developers. Thanks!


  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2019

    so i helped the nurse catch her by blocking her at a pallet

    When she got downed and hooked i spammed unhook animation on her 4-5 times but then left the hook

    Let's just make this clear:

    That meg made the game last more than half an hour. we were both annoyed by her.

    YOU were the one who made the game last more than half an hour. You could have spent less than six minutes finishing the gens and forced her out using EGC. Instead, you dedicated your time to work with the killer to grief her.

    You are not entitled to farm other survivors, and I hope whatever response you get will teach you that.